Tuesday, August 13, 2013

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.14

New Format
Now that we are at the Top 10, the dancers are no longer dancing with each other. They will now be dancing with one of the All-Stars.

This Year's All-Stars
Twitch, Neil, Comfort, Robert, Kathryn, Melanie, Brandon, Witney, Marko, Jakob  (4 girls and 6 guys? hmmm...)

In Danger
Tucker, Jenna, Makenzie, Nico

Amy & Brandon-Disco
Wow! That was Insane, with a capital I!! The lifts were so high, so fast! Amy had so much energy, she was whipping and shaking, and so much fun to watch! The last move, the "discolocation" where he drops her just about to the floor, was nuts! And the split/spinning lift, I mean, what else can you say?

Aaron & Kathryn-Contemporary
I don't care for this music at all. Paul did a fine job, especially on the lifts, but I found myself staring at Kathryn, and I forgot I was supposed to be watching him. He wasn't really a lead in this piece, he seemed more like the prop in the background. Maybe that was the intent, I don't know. I think he danced it well, it just wasn't anything spectacular.

Fik-Shun & Melanie-Jazz
Right off the bat, Melanie does the most insane back bend I think I have ever seen! Unlike Aaron before him, I am always drawn to Fik-Shun because he draws you in with his over-the-top facial expressions and sharp movements. He did an awesome job keeping up with Melanie. Great routine!

Witney & Paul-Cha Cha
That was definitely steamy! That lift/split/flip was amazing! Paul had some great solo spins, but I think he could have had a little more hip action going on. It was a little inconsistent.

Hayley & tWitch-Hip-Hop
Love just watching tWitch do what he does best! Hayley kept up well. The tutting was very in sync. Again, another routine with a table that rocked! Very cool routine. I have to admit, that Hayley is one of those who I just kind of forget about her. The girls are all so similar this season, it's hard to tell them apart.

Jenna & Neil-Contemporary
I think I'm going to love this couple! Not my favorite song in the world, unfortunately. It kept me from liking this more than I thought I would. It was beautiful though, and you could feel their chemistry. The last lift and how they just melted to the floor was great. Neil is the best...love him!

Jasmine & Marko-Jazz
This is going to be perfect. Love "Blurred Lines". It's amazing how much great music helps a routine! It was sassy and fun, and they made a great couple.Just like the choreographer wanted, they look like twins! Very cool!

Makenzie & Jakob-Broadway
Broadway numbers aren't usually this steamy and sexy! Whoa! They played the parts very well, and it was really good! However, the song seemed to drag on and on, and frankly I got a little bored towards the end.

Nico & Comfort-Hip-Hop
I always forget how good Comfort is. Who knew Nico had this in him! I almost didn't even recognize him! He was sick! Comfort gives him a lot to try to match up to, but I thought he was with her on every step. I don't know if the judges will like it as much as I did, but, I thought it was great. He's normally so soft and flowing with his movements, but I thought he was hitting it hard.

Tucker & Robert-Contemporary
It's very interesting that both of them have had near-death experiences to draw on for this dance. So moving and beautiful. They were so evenly matched technically. They could have been a little more together on the side-by-side moves, but other than that, it was really good. Another beautifully choreographed Travis Wall number.

Going Home: Makenzie and Nico

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