Sunday, August 11, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.18

Recap of Last Week's Double Eviction
During the debacle of last week's first eviction, when Candice and GinaMarie were attacking each other, I was confused by the "Mom" comment that GinaMarie made. It totally didn't make any sense to me. I can't believe that I forgot that Candice was adopted. Wow...that was a really, really, uncalled for low blow by GM.

Onto Judd's eviction. No wonder everyone was crying...he was begging them to stay and he was so emotional. Aaryn said she didn't know if she was doing the right thing. He kept saying it wasn't too late, while Helen sits next to her telling her that it was the right thing to do. Just outrageous. Why every one of them doesn't gang up on Helen is beyond me. NONE of them wanted him gone, yet they listened to ONE person. What is wrong with this picture?

HOH Competition
Well, at least since Aaryn is out-going HOH she can't compete, so someone else will have a chance to win something for a change.

The houseguests will play head-to-head, rolling a ball "cherry" on a long wobbly "banana" board to get it to land on top of the sundae firs. The winner will then name 4 Have Nots for the week.

Round 1:
Helen vs. Jessie--Jessie wins
Andy vs. GinaMarie--Andy wins
Amanda vs. Spencer--Amanda wins
Elissa vs. McCrae--McCrae

Round 2:
Jessie vs. Andy--Andy wins
Amanda vs. McCrae--McCrae wins (Amanda is not too happy that McCrae didn't let her win...she actually cried and whined that he should have thrown it because she can't win anything! What an idiot! McCrae was smart for not throwing it, because he showed the house that he won't do just anything for her.)

Round 3:
Andy vs. McCrae--Andy wins

Andy chooses: Helen, GinaMarie, Elissa and Aaryn (GinaMarie, Elissa and Aaryn actually volunteered!)

Helen in her usual fake complimenting self, tries to console Amanda by telling her that she should be proud because the only reason that their people are in the game is because of her! That is total BS! No way is that true. When will people catch on to Helen's crap? It's really driving me nuts!

"Andy's" HOH
This should be good, because EVERY single person in the house said that they are friends with Andy and that they feel really good this week.

Helen tries to make Andy's HOH, HER HOH. She wants Amanda and McCrae to be nominated. Now THAT would be a bold move. I can actually respect that decision. However, Andy is very tight with Amanda and McCrae. Hmmm...what will he do.

Spencer and Jessie

No surprises there. He's weak, and couldn't make a big move this week. Another waste of an HOH. Way to go Andy.

And now that there is no more MVP 3rd nominee, we are stuck with these 2 nominees, unless someone uses the Veto.

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