Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.16

Who is MVP?
The house is still all over the place when it comes to guessing who the MVP is. Spencer thinks it could be America. Amanda thinks that it probably isn't America, because she doesn't think America would put her up. She said she has gotten all the mean people out of the house, and she hopes that there would be someone else besides her that America would want to nominate. Sorry Amanda, America is hating you more and more every week.

Trouble in Paradise
Things are not all peachy in the world of McCranda. McCrae is getting tired of Amanda's constant bickering in the house and always storming out of the room. He wants to stick with her, but she's making it difficult. He can't separate himself from him, or she will be pissed and will come after him. Looks like he's caught between a pizza and a hard place. The problems go both ways, and she is irritated with him, too. I'm still not really sure why, she just does a lot of talking and a lot of whining in his ear. I'm surprised he's been able to stick with her this long.

America's MVP Nomination: Amanda
Of course when she finds out, she has a little hissy fit. She thinks Judd is the MVP, so she runs around the house stirring things up once again. Amanda wants everyone to use the Veto on her, and Aaryn thinks that's very selfish. Hmmm...let's think about this. Yes, I think everyone would want someone to use the Veto on themselves. Aaryn's just mad because she knows that if Amanda is taken off the block, that she would be the replacement. GinaMarie flat out told Amanda in front of Aaryn that if she won that she would use the Veto to save her. That ticked Aaryn off, and she stormed out of the room.

Veto Competition: Frog Darts

The Players: Candice, Jessie, Amanda, GinaMarie, Spencer, Judd
Host: Aaryn

This competition couldn't be more up Judd's alley. They have to toss frogs onto lily pads, and the lowest number each round loses. The loser chooses a prize, but it can be stolen in following rounds.

Round 1: GinaMarie misses the lily pads all together, and is eliminated. She chose the Veto.
Round 2: Amanda couldn't beat Jessie's 4, and is eliminated. She chose the Cone of Shame, and trades it for the Veto.
Round 3: Candice missed the lily pads, and is eliminated. She chose a trip to the Bahamas, and she trades for the Veto.
Round 4: Spencer is eliminated. He chooses "50 Shades of Orange" which is a spray tan every time a noise sounds. He trades it for the trip to the Bahamas.
Round 5: Jessie is eliminated, and she chooses $5,000, but she trades it for the Veto
Judd chooses the Clownitard, but he trades it for the $5,000 and lets Jessie keep the Veto.

So to recap:

  • Jessie wins the Veto
  • GinaMarie gets the Cone of Shame
  • Amanda gets the 50 Shades of Orange
  • Candice gets the Clownitard
  • Spencer gets the trip to the Bahamas
  • Judd gets $5,000

OK, so let's talk about the ridiculous behavior of Amanda during the POV. It all started when she saw Candice whispering to Judd. She was telling him that Amanda was telling everyone that he was MVP. She saw that and got pissed. So, she started taunting her and she started throwing out a bunch of racist comments, and really made herself look ridiculous. The entire house was so uncomfortable and were telling her to stop. McCrae looked so helpless. He knows that all shes doing is making a target on herself, and on him by association. It really was a disgusting display, that up until now, she had no been one of the worst offenders in the house. She has now joined the likes of Aaryn and GinaMarie.

Veto Ceremony
Jessie obviously saves herself. GinaMarie's replacement nominee is Spencer.

Each of the nominees thinks that the other 2 nominees are a joke and are bigger targets, therefore thinking that they are each safe. Guess if you is going home!

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