Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.20

Jessie=Paranoid City
I sure hope we don't have to sit through 1/2 hour of Jessie in Paranoid City. They might as well just tell her she's going home, or she's going to drive them all nuts asking for reassurance from everyone that she's OK. Oh my gosh...Andy tells Helen and Elissa to get better poker faces with Jessie because she is figuring out that she's going because they are treating her differently. And Helen reacts so disgusted like she's totally not doing that and she can't figure out why Jessie wouldn't trust her. Um...because she can't!

She Said/She Said

Then Helen throws Jessie under the bus in front of Aaryn that she was the one trying to get Amanda out. Jessie got really upset and her and Helen have a huge fight. Helen acts like a baby and denies everything and just storms away. It would be one thing if it wasn't true, but she can't deny it, because everything Jessie is saying is true. So...Jessie goes to Amanda and tells her about Helen's plan. And then Amanda confronts Helen and Elissa about what Jessie is saying to her. What a bunch of tattletails! And Helen can't make up her mind. She keeps saying that she's done and then walks away, but a few minutes later, she's right back at it again. She is really starting to annoy me!

Andy says that he knows that Jessie is telling the truth because Helen has also come to him with the same plan. Meanwhile, they are arguing "in secret" at the chess table, while Andy, Amanda and McCrae listen behind the HOH door, hearing everything they are saying. Helen is just laughable as she pretends to not remember telling Jessie that her and Elissa were on board with getting Amanda out.

Jessie Gives Up
She overhears everyone talking about voting her out, and she realizes her time is up. But she isn't going to go quietly. She has vowed to blow up everyone's game. You go girl! Andy is upset because he didn't like lying to Jessie and now he has to deal with the fact that she knows what's happening.

Blonde vs Blonde
Now it's Aaryn and GinaMarie's turn to be mad at each other. I'm not even really sure why they're fighting. So childish! You think Aaryn's bad, but then GinaMarie is even worse! And her voice is so annoying when she says "You wanna go A-run?" Then she runs out of the HOH screaming to everyone to wake up and to come upstairs to talk to them about why they were fighting. "Everyone wake up in the house! Announcement! A-run is yelling at me! Come see a show!" Seriously? She wanted to tell them now about the fight so they didn't hear things tomorrow. 15 seasons, I've never seen anything so stupid and ridiculous!

The Votes
Helen-Jessie (What is up with the way Helen votes? And is it just me, or does she get louder every week?)
Elissa-Jessie (When was the last time she did "unfortunately" or "sadly" have to vote to evict someone?)
GinaMarie-Jessie (What is up with those super nerdy glasses? Yuck! She looks like she's wearing safety goggles.)

By a vote of 6-0, Jessie is evicted. That should be a shocker to no one.

HOH Competition: "Way Off Broadway"
Going head-to-head, they have to answer the correct competition after hearing some music describing in song either a HOH, Veto or Have/Have-Not Competition. I honestly can't think of one person that I would like to see win HOH this week. Maybe Elissa...maybe. OUCH it hurt to say that.

Round 1: GinaMarie vs. Helen--GinaMarie wins (haha! How funny that ditzy GinaMarie takes out supposed smart girl, ruler of the house!)
Round 2: Spencer vs. Elissa--Spencer wins (Really Elissa? You had to go out in your first match-up?)
Round 3: McCrae vs. GinaMarie--McCrae wins
Round 4: Spencer vs. Aaryn--Aaryn wins
Round 5: Amanda vs. McCrae--Amanda wins (After McCrae guessed wrong, and then she arrogantly sneered "haha" at McCrae after he left the stage...nice sportsmanship.)
Round 6: Amanda vs. Aaryn--Aaryn wins HOH (Aaryn paused and waited as if she was trying to let Amanda buzz in, but she obviously had no clue what the answer was. Aaryn buzzed in with her answer, and then Amanda looked disgusted. Later, via Twitter, everyone was saying that Amanda was crying behind a trash can because she lost again! They were comparing it to when Rachel cried behind the bushes. Haha!)

Although I hate that Aaryn got HOH AGAIN, I really didn't want Amanda to get it! Let's keep her losing streak going! No one wants to hear her gloat for a week!

During next week's live eviction, there will be a competition between jurors, and one of them will be returning to the house. Looks like the producers were watching last season's Big Brother Canada. They did the same thing, only the public voted and it was Gary who was sent back into the house. Personally, especially having seen it done, I think this is really unfair. Jurors get to talk amongst themselves and share information. It's kind of like getting to watch other houseguest's Diary Room confessionals. It just gives them an unfair advantage. It also makes them an instant target. However, in Big Brother Canada, Gary came one vote away (one vote that was actually miscast by Topaz) from actually winning the show, so you never know. The returning jury member is kind of free game, they could really help give an alliance an important vote if needed. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Final note: What was up with Julie Chen's weirdly home-made looking, potato sack dress? It looked like something they would make on Project Runway during the unconventional material challenge. And her wacky, over-the-top make-up? Did they let Andy do her make-up (he was seen on the live feeds doing Aaryn's make-up and it was hideous!).

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