Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.24

Backdoor Amanda?
Elissa is really getting tired of Amanda, and she is now thinking that she would like to backdoor her. Judd is all for it. Amanda confronted her, and Elissa lied and said she wouldn't put her up. Amanda didn't buy her lie though. Elissa pulled Aaryn aside and told her that she would like to work with her, in order to get Amanda out. Of course Aaryn was all gung-ho for this plan. She is ready to do whatever Elissa wants her to in order to stay in the game. The plan is that if Aaryn picks "Houseguest Choice" for the Veto, that she will pick Judd.

Of course, it stands to reason, that now that Elissa has finally seen the light, and sees that Amanda should go instead of Aaryn...this does not bode well for the upcoming Veto comp...something is bound to happen to ruin this perfect plan. If she was really smart, she would have put Amanda and McCrae up, so that no matter what, one of them would end up on the block when it came time to vote.

Veto Player Selection
Players: Elissa, McCrae, Aaryn, Amanda, GinaMarie, Judd (as chosen by Aaryn as her houseguest's choice)

Amanda is immediately suspicious of Aaryn's choice of Judd instead of Andy, who is in their alliance. Aaryn said that he would be the only one who would save her...she said she didn't think that Andy or Spencer would. She said that Andy would most likely save McCrae over her. She would be right, but Amanda is still pissed because it was not an "alliance move". Any move that isn't Amanda's idea, is immediately seen as wrong. She can't stand when people make moves to save themselves. If she was in the same position, don't you think she would do the same thing? Hypocrite!

The most disgusting part of this entire thing was that Amanda and McCrae were in the shower together. Yuck! And Aaryn is talking to them...while they are in the shower...together. Yuck! Is McCrae really so disgusting and joined at Amanda's hip, that he can't shower without her? I've heard from the live feeds that Amanda constantly tells him that he smells and when she asks him if he's showered, washed his hair or put on deodorant, he always says "no".

Later, Amanda catches Elissa and GinaMarie talking game in the kitchen and she now knows that they are working together. Every time she walks through, they stop talking. So, she decides to confront them and a huge, loud fight ensues. The funniest part was when Elissa couldn't stop laughing while Amanda was yelling. She even spit out her drink! Eventually, Amanda just breaks down crying--another one of her go-to fake emotions when things aren't going her way.


I'm so excited for Zingbot! I really hope he lets them have it...they deserve it! Here's his zingers:

McCrae: "I finally understand why you are always wearing shorts, because Amanda wears the pants." Zing!
GinaMarie: "Nick says since meeting you he feels like he's been swept away into a classic cinematic love story: Fatal Attraction." Zing!
Andy: I think there's a ghost in the Big Brother house. It has a high pitched wail, it's pasty white and it loves to float. Oh wait, that's just Andy!" Zing!
Aaryn: "Some may say you were acting mean and nasty in the beginning of this game, but I disagree. That wasn't acting." Zing!
Amanda: "Don't worry, you can visit McCrae in Minnesota, just mail yourself using your giant tramp stamp." Zing!
Elissa: "I hear you like to impersonate me, but I think you are much better at being a cheap imitation of your sister!" Zing!
Judd: "Everyone is glad to see you back...but they are more glad to see your bear shirt!" Zing! (from the live feeds)
Spencer: "You say you are a conductor...but you spend too much time in the dining car!" Zing! (from the live feeds)

Veto Competition
This is the competition where they have to roll a ball up and down a ramp, back and forth, without it hitting the ground, otherwise they have to start over. Aaryn is the first to drop her ball, then GinaMarie and then Elissa. Amanda was killing everyone at 101 and Judd was next at 92. Judd actually stops to breathe! Come on my man! He's now about to pass out, and then he drops the ball! I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's about ready to puke. Who would have thought it would come down to Amanda and GinaMarie. All hope is lost when I'm actually rooting for GinaMarie to win something. And with that, Amanda wins her very first competition.

The absolute WORST possible outcome: Amanda wins and is safe, and now she can take McCrae off the block, too. Yuck! Finally, someone was ready to actually put her up--with the intent of actually vote her out--and she chooses NOW to finally win something. Of course.

Amanda the Bully
Elissa hints that she might have thrown the competition (as a joke). Well apparently, that broke Amanda's brain, and she decides to go on a reign of terror against Elissa. She starts yelling and screaming in her face NON-STOP. Elissa tries to hide in the HOH room, but Amanda, yells even louder from downstairs at her to come down. She throws out insult, after insult, after insult. She vows to make Elissa's stay in the house miserable until she leaves. This was her plan to try to get GinaMarie put on the block instead of Andy. Unfortunately, she is only making herself look like an absolute lunatic! I'm so glad Elissa didn't stoop down to her level. She just refused to go out of the room and refused to retaliate. Good for you Elissa!

Veto Ceremony
Of course, Amanda removes McCrae..and with an awful speech of "Elissa, even you should know that nothing comes between me and my man." Yuck...where's the barf bag. I loved Elissa's comeback of "Well Amanda, clever line. Rachel would probably be very disappointed and insulted that someone like you would use it." Ha! Zing!

And can we just talk about Amanda's overly fake and ridiculous way she gave her "speech" and that disgusting kiss when she put the Veto around McCrae's neck. Then, she tells Elissa "sit down trash". Real classy Amanda, real classy.

Elissa chooses to put Andy up as the replacement nominee. The talk on Twitter about the live feeds says that Aaryn doesn't have the votes, and she will be going home tomorrow, so we'll see. I'm still waiting for the Aaryn/Julie Chen showdown over Aaryn's racist remarks to Helen from earlier in the season.

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