Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.15

I am so excited for this week! The amazing All-Star partners are going to be choreographing their own routines! So exciting! Plus, I've seen on Twitter that 2 of my absolute favorites--Travis Wall and Mark Kanemura are on tonight!

In Jeopardy
Tucker, Jenna, Fik-Shun, Hayley

Aaron & Chelsie-Jive
Chelsie is amazing, and has really upped her game after being on Dancing With The Stars. She's used o choreographing for her partners, and her creativity really showed in this routine. Personally, I always find Aaron a bit boring, so I did tend to watch her more than him. He had some really high kicks, but his timing wasn't always great. The lifts were a little awkward at times. I think it was just a little too fast for him to keep up with, so he looked like he was always a little behind and trying to catch up.

Fik-Shun & Allison-Contemporary
This piece is a beautiful representation of discrimination and prejudice. I'm pretty sure she is drawing from experience with her being engaged to tWitch. I love the song "Skinny Love" by Birdy!! It's one of my favorites!!! Fik-Shun truly is a beautiful dancer. I just love watching him. I got the goosebumps on this one! They were very in sync when they needed to be. And as always, Fik-Shun added his facial expressions and emotions to the piece that really brings it to life. His parts didn't have as much substance as hers, but like Mary said, she wouldn't have been able to do what she did without him.

Tucker & Courtney-Jazz
Romeo and Juliet...with LIFTS! Courtney looks gorgeous! Love her! The music and the choreography are not what you would think of for a typical jazz piece. It's more contemporary that's a bit jazzed up. The lifts were insane and very fast! She was up one second and flying down the next. It was a really great piece and I loved the ending! This style is right up Tucker's alley. He's all about the big leaps.

After their dance, Nigel brings up what Courtney has been going through...and I had no idea! She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and she recently went blind in her left eye! What an inspiration she is, as she is able to go out there and perform and choreograph the way that she has. Wow

Paul & Comfort-Hip-Hop
Will Paul be able to get down and dirty for this hip-hop? I don't know if he has it in him. So far, he's doing pretty darn good! He is hitting each move and is right in sync with her. I didn't know if he would be able to look tough and hit it hard, but he did. Well done, Paul!

Hayley & Dmitry-Rumba
Oh, how I've missed Dmitry! Love him! Please Dancing With The Stars...you NEED to have him as a pro again! What a steamy, sexy rumba! Love seeing those beautiful abs of his! Hayley was good, too :) Very nice routine.

Jenna & Mark-Jazz
Well hello, Mr. Lady Gaga's Backup Dancer! I love Mark, and it's so great to see him back on SYTYCD. I remember him for some of his crazy routines on the show, and as a backup dancer for Lady Gaga, you know he's going to bring the crazy! And holy crap was this routine crazy! The moves were ridiculous! A feast for the eyes, you didn't know what they were going to do next. So creative. It was jazz, but it had a different type of feel, that I'm not even sure how to describe it. It had some like Bollywood stuff, it was kind of robotic and funky, and there could have even been some African jazz in there. Honestly, I don't know why America doesn't seem to like Jenna, and she ends up in the bottom every week. I love her, and obviously the judges and choreographers love her, because they save her every week.

Jasmine & tWitch-Hip-Hop
This is going to be amazing, I think. Superheros...cool! Super tWtich! She is definitely Flexy Girl. I love how they revealed their superhero costumes to the beat of the music. So sick! Jasmine has "win" written all over her. She is so amazing! Her and tWtich were so in sync they looked like twins. Great job!

Amy & Travis-Contemporary
I have been such a huge fan of Travis, ever since he was runner-up 7 years ago (has it really been 7 years?). He had some of the most memorable routines...the "bench routine"...need I say more. I'm so happy that he's had so much success and has come back to choreograph some of the most memorable routines over the past few seasons. I have goosebumps before it even started! I just love him so much! He is so talented! Her leap into his arms was so perfect! I loved every move. It was so passionate and gripping. Wow...just amazing! That's all I can say...it is beyond words. Like Jenna Elfman said, it's "perfection". He is Emmy nominated for a reason.

Going Home
Tucker and Jenna (I really feel like they cut Jenna tonight, just because of all the negative backlash every week when they saved her...sad to see her go).

I feel like I did so much writing about the All-Stars tonight! I guess it's because there were some faces we haven't seen for awhile. And then, the level of choreography was brought to a new level. I think it really stepped up their game and gave the All-Stars a real sense of ownership in getting to put together their whole routine. It was an amazing night of dancing, and I hope they let the All-Stars do more choreographing in the future!

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