Saturday, August 3, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.12

America Nominates: Elissa!
America voted Elissa as the MVP for 3 straight weeks, now they nominate her! I think some people may not have realized what they were voting for. On Twitter, they are saying that she was Topaz'd (reference to Topaz on Big Brother Canada casting her vote for the wrong person to win, which then caused Jillian to win instead of Gary).

Everyone is in shock and some people actually think Elissa nominated herself to throw suspicion off of her being MVP again.

Veto Competition
The Players: Judd, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa, Helen, McCrae
The task is to crawl through mud and retrieve ballot votes, all worth different amounts. They can only keep 4 ballots. Some have rewards or punishments and if they choose to keep them, they get them whether they win or lose.

McCrae keeps $5000. Judd chooses one worth 18, with the punishment of solitary confinement for 24 hours, with a snooze alarm going off every 9 minutes. Elissa keeps one worth 20, with a punishment that she can't play for Veto the next week. Helen keeps one worth 10, with a punishment of an 8 pm curfew for 2 nights.

The Winner: Elissa
Elissa removes herself and America's replacement nominee is GinaMarie.

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