Thursday, August 8, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.17

Pre-Vote Speeches
The usually unimportant, shout-out-to-family speeches before the vote, turned into an all-out, name-calling scream match between Candice and GinaMarie. These 2 grown women acted like children and should be embarrassed for themselves. What GinaMarie said during the fight was obviously pretty consistent with the garbage she has said all season long, but Candice didn't look much better.

The Votes

With a unanimous vote, Candice is the first person evicted tonight.

HOH Competition #1
Aaryn wins it quickly by answering correctly and the remaining 4 or 5 got it wrong. How disgusting. These people can't seem to do anything.

Nominations: Jessie and Spencer. Yep, you read that right. Just about the 2 least threatening people in the house. Aaryn said she was doing what the house wanted. Whatever happened to making bold moves for YOURSELF? These people are too stupid to realize that they are not doing what the "house" wants...they are doing what "Helen" wants.

Veto Competition: Aaryn wins...again, how disgusting!
Veto Ceremony: Aaryn removes Jessie and puts Judd on the block!
Aaryn said that she had to put Judd up because he was playing the whole house. She said a couple people wanted her to do it and she would go home if she didn't.

The Vote

With another unanimous vote, Judd is evicted. These people can't make a move for themselves at all. Every last one of them is bawling their eyes out as they say they sadly have to vote to evict Judd. They are making it seem like someone is pointing a gun at their heads (Helen) and MAKING them vote out Judd. NO ONE except for Helen wanted him out. Notice how Helen was the only one NOT crying? She persuaded them to do it and they were ALL a mess. They are acting like blind little lambs...being led to the slaughter. If they don't wake from under Helen's spell, they are all going to fall off the cliff one by one, because it will be too late.

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