Sunday, August 25, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.23

...To Be Continued
We finally get to find out which juror will be coming back in the game and who will be the new HOH.

Most of the people are trying to dodge the balls flying at them instead of trying to catch them. Helen is running her mouth more than she is trying to catch balls. She is trying to fill the other jurors in on what has been going on in the house. She is hoping that they will be able to do the job she wasn't able to do...which was get Amanda out.

Surprisingly for 3AM, Amanda was the only one left, because both McCrae and Andy got out. Good luck're screwed.

Jessie was doing really good catching the balls, but she fell off, and was eliminated. And then....Helen falls! Whew...thank goodness we don't have to see her come back into the house and be completely fake and annoying. It's down to Judd and Candice, when Candice just kind of steps off the plank. She said her knee just gave out. So, after only catching about 4 balls, JUDD is coming back into the house! Woohoo! Exacly who I wanted. Now, he is still in to see if he can win the HOH.

Elissa is in the lead with 7 balls, and Judd was next with 5. Elissa slips, but she is still in it, and then Judd falls off. It's down to Elissa, Amanda and GinaMarie. Amanda's strategy was to stay steady and hope the others fell off...while Elissa continues to catch ball after ball.  Then she pulls off a Spider Man like move to hang on and pull herself back up to safety. I don't know how she saved herself! She completely swung both legs off the platform and was just hanging onto the ball tube. She was lucky she was able to keep her feet up and not touch the ground. And just like that, Elissa gets #10! Woohoo! Exactly who I wanted to get it! Watch out 3AM!

Who knew that one person winning HOH could make so many people nervous. Aaryn is sure she's going home. Amanda is crying to McCrae that she is going to go home. Wah wah wah. Kudos to Elissa for wanting to make sure her target goes home for her HOH week. She doesn't want to do what others want, she wants to do her own thing. Yay! Finally! Someone who is NOT playing for the rest of the house, but for themselves. Now, if only she can pull it off.

So now, with Amanda not being able to get her way with Elissa...she's back to crying again.

Aaryn is Dumb!
Aaryn is doing her nails. Then, she picks up the nail polish remover, and takes a HUGE swig of it! She thought it was her water bottle apparently. does a person do something like that? I'm glad they showed this happening...Twitter was all a buzz right after it happened on the live feeds.

Elissa and Judd
Elissa and Judd try to work together. Neither one of them have anyone in the house, so naturally, they should try to team up. Their goal is to try to split up the power couples. Aaryn knows that she is a target, so she goes to her and says that she will do anything to stay. She said that Amanda and McCrae should be the target because they will always stick together. Elissa doesn't buy what she's telling her because she has tried to trust her in the past and she has screwed her. Elissa is right not to believe her, because she says that she is telling Elissa what she wants to hear, and that she wants to punch herself in the face because she feels stupid begging Elissa like that. Personally, I don't care who she goes after, as long as Amanda or Aaryn go home.

Nomination Ceremony
Elissa nominates Aaryn and McCrae

Very interesting. Time for McCrae to fight for himself for once, and not just for Amanda.

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