Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.25

3AM No More
Tonight will be the end of the 3AM alliance in more ways than one. Either Aaryn or Andy will be going home. Most people think it will be Aaryn going home. Andy has plans for a new alliance that doesn't include Amanda and McCrae--good for him! McCranda is going down!

Amanda on the Attack...Again
Props to Elissa for standing there, not saying a word while Amanda hurls insults at her from 1 foot away. Everyone sees what Amanda is doing as repulsive (whoa, I just typed "repulsive" at the same time Spencer said it...creepy!). Her behavior is making everyone uncomfortable. Elissa stayed calm and just let her say nasty things. I think it really bothered Amanda that Elissa wasn't fighting back. And then Amanda has the audacity to cry and say "I am not a bully." What delusional, psycho world is she living in?

New Alliance
Because of Amanda's horrific behavior, the rest of the house (Spencer, Andy, Judd, GinaMarie) has come together. They are calling themselves The Exterminators, because they will get rid of rats and snakes. I like it! At the beginning of the game, if you would have told me I would be rooting for any one of those 4, I would have told you you were crazy.

Aaryn's Campaign
Aaryn knows she's pretty much done, but she still tries to make a last ditch effort to get some votes. She knows she has GinaMarie's vote, but she needs Spencer and Judd. She tells them about the 3AM alliance...which included Andy. Andy is now in the Exterminators, so I'm sure they are questioning his loyalty. Aaryn tried to tell Amanda and McCrae that it would be better to keep her around because she has a lot of blood on her hands. She said that Spencer said he would put McCranda on the block. Amanda got pissed, and called Spencer over right away and asked him...he said Aaryn was lying. He walks away, and McCranda (well, Amanda...because McCrae never says ANYTHING) thinks that Spencer was lying. Amanda asks Aaryn if she would take them to the final 3, and she said she would and that she has proven her loyalty by doing what they wanted before.

BB Showmance Update
I love seeing BB alumni! First up is Rachel and Brendan, aka "Brenchel". They were the first BB marriage. Next up is Dani and Dominic, who recently got married. Jeff and Jordan, aka "Jejo"! They've been together for 4 years, but they still aren't married...come on Jeff...pop the question already!

The Vote

Andy's speech about Abraham Lincoln and loving Anderson Cooper was...really strange.


With a vote of 5-0, as predicted, Aaryn is evicted! Ding, dong, the witch is dead...the wicked witch of the west. Hopefully next week, the wicked witch of the east will follow, and then her spider monkey after that.

Julie vs Aaryn
This is what America has been wishing and hoping for since week 2! She received a very mixed reception--some cheers and a couple loud boos. I was kind of expecting a ginormous chorus of boos. Julie opens up with "we have a lot to talk about...". Boy, is that the understatement of the year.

I have to say, that was one of the most uncomfortable exit interviews ever. Julie did a pretty good job of bringing up the very sensitive topics that America demanded answers about. She point blank asked her about the hurtful things that she said, and even quoted her. Aaryn got very nervous, and was shocked because she didn't remember saying any of those things. She said that if she said them, they were completely taken out of context and were meant to be funny. She blamed it on being from the south and from Texas where it is common to say stereotypical things. Wow, way to throw an entire state under the bus, instead of taking responsibility for your own actions and words. If they didn't already, her entire home state of Texas really hates her now.

She apologized if anyone was offended and that she didn't mean for anyone to take it wrong. It was really funny when she said she is actually great friends with Elissa, Andy, Candice and Helen. Someone in the audience laughed very loudly at that. That is NOT what any of us have been watching. Elissa confirmed the non-friendship in her goodbye video, where she said that she didn't have anything to say to her except to have fun in the jury...or not. Wow.

The look on Aaryn's face was that of sheer terror. I think maybe she thought she was being Punk'd. I really think at this very moment, on her way to jury, she is saying to herself "Holy crap, I think I'm in big trouble....get me out of here." It's too bad she isn't thrown out into the world right now, so she can go watch herself and start learning about what people are really thinking and saying about her. Instead, she has to go to the jury house and think about it for a few weeks. I definitely don't think that the hate that she is going to be subjected to is right, because it's basically doing the same thing that she did. She's in for a HUGE wake-up call, and like Julie said, I hope she can watch what took place and learn from it and gain a new perspective. Because at least from this point, she was not really owning up to it at all. She blamed her state and the pressures of being in the house, as well as just being misunderstood. Just like her "apology" to Candice, this apology doesn't really mean much, because there really isn't any understanding on her part, or any remorse for the horrible things that she has said.

I think the interview was good, but the only thing that would have made it better would have been if Julie would have told her that she lost her job. Normally, I'm not a huge Chenbot fan, but I have to say, she handled that interview so well. She too, was an indirect victim of Aaryn's racial attacks, yet she was poised and calm. She brought up the most important things and did it in a very polite way. It seemed like she was starting to prepare Aaryn for what will be coming in the next couple of weeks. She really was a class act. Well done.

HOH Competition
The houseguests have to dress like bunnies and hop on the course to take eggs and move it through a maze. The loser will have to wear a chicken suit for 48 hours.

To be continued...

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