Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.22

Gossip & Lies
Helen wants to backdoor Spencer. Andy tells Spencer. Helen asks Andy if anyone is talking about voting her out, and he lies and says "no".  Andy lets Helen think that he would use the Veto to save her...he's lying.

Veto Competition: OTEV
Players: Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy (chosen by Elissa as "Houseguest's Choice")

What a mess! OTEV is  beaver this season. He is writing love letters to evicted houseguests. A flood swept away his love letters, and it is the houseguest's job to figure out who he is referring to and go out into the water, mud and woodchips to find the letter with the correct houseguest's name on it. The last to bring it back to their stump is eliminated in each round.

Round 1: The answer is Jeremy (went on a rant about wine), and GinaMarie is last. She searched and searched, and surprisingly was only finding Nick's name everywhere. After she finally finds "Jeremy", and realizes she is dead last.

Round 2: The answer is Judd (left in his bear shirt), and Elissa BLOWS by Helen who was half way up the ramp, and Helen is eliminated.

Round 3: The answer is Candice (left as a clown), and Andy is eliminated.

Round 4: The answer is Howard (chiseled with stone), and Aaryn is eliminated.

Round 5: The answer is Jessie (took the Veto and gave the money away), and Spencer is last to his stump, which means ELISSA wins the Veto!

Great to see Elissa fight for the win to save herself! We're just one step closer to Helen walking out the door. Spencer is ticked that he didn't win because he knows that he is most likely going to be the replacement nominee and will be on the block for the 6th straight week. As much as I want to see Helen and Amanda go, if they don't watch it, Spencer is going to pawn his way to the finals.

After the Veto

Helen gives Elissa her classic post-win adoration and congratulatory fluff speech. Oh, and she mispronounces OTEV as "OTIV".

Helen is mad at Andy because she could tell he wasn't trying to win the Veto, which means he's not fighting for her to stay.

Amanda tries to schmooze Elissa, because once Helen is gone, Elissa is up for grabs. Amanda also tells Elissa that she might as well not even try to flip the house because there is no changing the fact that Helen is going home. Elissa then tells Helen that she's in trouble...she didn't come right out and say what Amanda said, but she definitely was hinting that she is the target this week. Elissa not coming out and saying what she knows makes Helen suspicious.

Helen and Aaryn Smell a Rat
Helen and Aaryn compare notes, and they are figuring out that Andy is the one who is telling everyone about everything. only took them like 7 weeks to figure it out. Can't get anything past them!

The "Wine Incident" Revisited
Oh childish, to bring up something that happened on Day 10! Seriously...let it go! Why on earth did Aaryn bring it up, and why start a fight with Amanda? I don't get it. Poor McCrae has to go on damage control again to get his girl in line.

Andy is starting to question their 3AM alliance. Aaryn continues to be upset, and now she realizes that she has been playing Amanda's game this entire time. She said "I am bathing in the blood of everyone that Amanda wanted out of this game. I am sick of playing someone else's game!" think?

She is finally starting to think about going after her instead. It's a great thought, but she'll never have the guts to do it.

Veto Ceremony
Obviously, Elissa uses the Veto on herself. And, of course, as we all suspected, Aaryn wasn't strong enough to backdoor Amanda. She puts Spencer back in his familiar place, right back on the block.

Gotta love how Aaryn always justifies her decision by using phrases like "because this is the corner I'm being pushed into." What happened to her decision to stop playing everyone else's game? She forgot that pretty quickly.

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