Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.23

There really is not a lot to recap on tonight's episode.  Like nothing! Helen tries to use her politic skills to try to stay. Blah, blah, blah. She cries (shocker) while giving her speech, which then makes Andy cry (another shocker).

The Vote

By a vote of 4-1, Helen is finally evicted!! I'd be a lot more excited if there wasn't a chance she could come back. Oh, who am I kidding, she can't win anything (except probably this time, because she is just THAT annoying).

Return of the Jury & HOH Competition
The jury members catch up on the who's and how's of their evictions at the jury house. By seeing this, we know that they were not sequestered apart, which means it's kind of unfair that someone gets to go back into the house (just like in Big Brother Canada when Gary re-entered the house). The jury comes back into the house and Candice, being the bigger person, hugs both Aaryn and GinaMarie, and also wishes GM a happy birthday.  Helen and Elissa, who just saw each other a few minutes ago, hug and jump up and down and scream like teenagers. Gag!

For the competition, it's actually a two-fer. All the houseguests and jury members are lined up on a wall, while standing on a very narrow platform. Balls will be hurled at them, and they have to try to catch 10, without falling, in order to win. The current houseguests are competing for HOH and the jury members are competing to see who will re-enter the house. Now, I don't quite understand the rules here, but if someone from the jury finishes before a current houseguest, does that mean they are also HOH? I'm a little confused.

The comp starts, and it takes forever for the balls to start flying. But when they do, man, they are like fired from cannons! Those are going to be hard to catch! Then there's a long lull until the balls come again. Now the water starts, which will make things much harder. Candice looks scared, Judd is getting hit right in the face, and McCrae looks like he's posing for a wet t-shirt competition. Jessie is out to an early lead, but not much else is happening.'s a "to be continued" competition, so unfortunately, we have to wait until Sunday to find out what happens. Unless you pay to see the live feeds, or have Twitter, because someone will tweet what happens sooner or later. Until then...go Judd (or Jessie) and Elissa! (Never thought I'd be rooting for either of them)

Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!

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