Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.19

The big question on my mind for tonight's episode: will we see the McCranda "wedding" that took place in the backyard (I think it was today, maybe it happened yesterday). I saw some pictures, and it was really something. The girls wore "bridesmaids dresses" made of bedsheets and they wore them like togas. I really can't believe they have taken this fake showmance so far. I mean, there are showmances, but this is as fake as they come. I thought it was stupid to begin with, and then they went and got "engaged". That was even stupider, and now there was a wedding? I read a hilarious tweet from a BB alumni (I can't remember who), who said that they had to get married in the house because neither of their families would approve on the outside! Ha!

New Alliances?
Andy and alliance? I hope not...I really want Spencer gone. Andy tells Spencer that he is not the target. But...he also tells Jessie that she is not the target. He says in the DR that Jessie is the target and he is hoping to blindside her. Of course she believes him, because apparently everyone believes everything he says. Hence EVERY SINGLE HG saying they feel safe this week because they are Andy's friend.

McCranda, Andy and Aaryn. Yuck. Alliance name=3 AM. Wow...that's lame...just like them. I liked Moving Company better. Aaryn decides that this is a better alliance for her than working with Helen, so she's jumping that ship.

Wimpy Andy
Andy proved that he'd rather be a safe floater than try to make a move.  He honestly said that he was hoping to get out of this HOH with no blood on his hands! Has he ever watched this show before? It is impossible NOT to get blood on your hands: you nominate 2 people, 1 of them goes are responsible! Therefore, someone left in the house is going to come after you!

Amanda's Plan

Amanda says that McCrae and Andy need to make a fake alliance with Helen, because she hopefully wouldn't put up her own alliance members. Interesting strategy. Lets see just how smart Helen is. Whoa...she is buying the "pizza" that McCrae is selling. Wow...hook line and sinker. (Wait Andy...I said it first! ha!) I can't believe that she is suggesting voting out Amanda, right in front of McCrae! She totally believes him that he would rather play with them and that he is worried about beating her in the end. And I thought she was one of the smartest ones in the house...I guess that's not saying much in THIS house.

The plan for the Veto competition: they all want Jessie to lose. Amanda wants Helen to win so that she thinks she can be trusted. Helen is supposed to "stay" on every round, while all the rest in the alliance fold. Then, when Jessie also "stays" they hope Helen is closer and that will eliminate Jessie. Spencer doesn't like this plan. And why should he? He's on the block, he's allowed to want to win to try to save himself, right?

Veto Competition
Players: Andy, Spencer, Jessie, Helen, Elissa, Amanda
Host: McCrae

The houseguests were guessing that this might be the counting challenge, since they hadn't had this one yet...they were right. This is the game where they guess how many of something there are. Then they "stay" or "fold" when they hear the other's answers. If they "stay" and are furthest from the answer, they are out.

Round 1: Helen is the only one who "stayed" just like they planned
Round 2: Helen is the only one who "stayed" and she earns another ticket
Round 3: Spencer and Helen "stayed", and Spencer got a ticket...NOT what he was supposed to do, and Helen is eliminated!!! She is pissed!
Round 4: Amanda, Elissa and Andy "stayed" and Andy wins a ticket, and Amanda was eliminated, and she was "flabbergasted" by what just happened.
Round 5: Jessie, Elissa and Andy "stayed"--Andy wins and Jessie is eliminated. Her strategy was to guess high this time because she has been low and if she felt good about her number she would go for it. The other people all guessed in the 700s and she guessed over 2000...common sense would tell you that you are way off and should fold, but no...she goes for it and she screwed herself. Way to go Jessie!
Round 6: Spencer and Andy "stayed" and Elissa realized she should not have "folded" because it was the last round...Andy wins, and he wins the veto

Side note: how funny was Elissa's explanation of how to figure the numbers? And just because it is so ridiculous, I am going to *try* to quote it word for we go:

"I need to win this competition, and luckily, I'm a total math whiz. First you have to take the ratio of the sample size that we're provided, and estimate given...the ratio of how many...proportions of the ratio can fit on the display.'s a lot of math."

After the Veto
Helen says now that Andy has the Veto, maybe he will use it to take someone off the block and take out a big target. Um...we're talking about "no blood" Andy here. And just who does Amanda think she is? She was so disgusted that Spencer blew the plan. She said he should have gone along with it because he was on the block. Hello? If YOU were on the block, would you be OK with throwing the Veto? I don't think so! Shut up, Amanda!! Now, Spencer has made himself a target because no one knows if they can trust him.

Veto Ceremony
Oh no, we're back to having to listen to the nominees give a lame speech as to why the Veto should be used on them. These speeches are always a ridiculous waste of time. Usually, they just say something like "I would like you to save me, but I respect whatever decision you make." Well, I was wrong. Spencer decided to go with his own version, and he tells Andy that he hasn't done anything smart all week, and he doesn't expect him to start now. Zing! Nice one! Maybe Spencer won't be a sheep like the rest of them. But, if he's seen as the black sheep who isn't going along with the rest, they might just vote him we'll see what happens!

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