Sunday, August 4, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.15

HOH Competition, Continued
  • Spencer has to speak into a megaphone for 24 hours, until the nominations
  • Candice wins $5,000
  • Helen wins a barbecue party
  • The competition comes down to McCrae and GinaMarie, and GinaMarie wins

Helen's BBQ Party Drama
Jessie overhears Helen explaining who she was going to invite to the bbq party. She is going to take Elissa, because she is her best friend in the house. And Aaryn because she kept her deal last week. Jessie was hurt because Helen has been targeting Aaryn, and Jessie has supported her. Jessie then starts to flip out to Amanda. Amanda tried to tell her not to worry about it and not cry about it because it's not that big of a deal. Amanda then throws the secret deal that was going around about trying to get her out last week in Jessie's face. Jessie said the deal was brought to her and she wasn't the one who started it. Jessie continues to have a meltdown and Amanda kind of makes fun of her for being such a baby about it.

Just when we thought the fight was over, McCrae was trying to calm Jessie down. Amanda comes outside and continues to berate her. It's nice to see Jessie stand up for herself and not be bullied. But, she's coming off as more of a baby than a strong person. I loved McCrae's face and expression of disgust and boredom as they scream at each other back and forth.

McCrae Decides Puts Amanda in Her Place
Finally, McCrae decided to wear the pants in his face shomance/engagement with Amanda. He told her to stop all the fighting because it's making her a target and she's going to get voted out. He said that her fight with Jessie made her look bad, but she disagreed. She thought it made Jessie look bad. He said the best thing to do would be for her to apologize to Jessie. Amanda obviously didn't want any part of it.

Nomination Ceremony
GinaMarie nominates: Candice and Jessie

Watching GM's nomination speech was hysterical. She rambled on and on and on, and stumbled over her words...meanwhile Judd was turning red and cracking up the entire time, and was making Elissa and a few others laugh right along with him. What a joke!

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