Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.15

America's 3rd Nominee
America nominates Amanda. She is going absolutely crazy trying to figure out who nominated her. Most are convinced Howard is the MVP. Howard thinks it's America, while Aaryn said "so, it's definitely not America." Spencer thinks it's Elissa. Elissa is sure it's Andy because he was really happy that day. Pure craziness!

Veto Players: Howard, Spencer, Amanda, Aaryn, Jessie, Candice
Host: Helen--she really needs to get s grip...she is way too excited all the time...seriously, way, way too excited, and its really getting annoying. And she was a horrible host! She read the instructions even more robotic than Chenbot.

Spencer wins the Veto by completing his puzzle of stones in the shape of the Veto first. Howard, Candice and Jessie were completely lost the whole time.

Veto Ceremony
Spencer obviously chooses to save himself. Aaryn then nominates Candice as the replacement nominee. Candice really screwed herself by taking to Helen. She told Helen she thinks her, Amanda, McCrae, and Elissa are running the house and would have the power to save Howard, because they saved Aaryn. Helen got offended and worried that Candice would spread rumors about her being too powerful and that would make her a target. She ran to the HOH room to tell Aaryn to go after Candice. Aaryn was more than happy to do so because she says Candice makes her life miserable.

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