Monday, July 1, 2013

The Bachelorette, Ep. 9.6

Des and the guys are in Barcelona, Spain...

One-on-One Date: Drew
The date couldn't start without Drew kissing Des. He said he's been thinking about it for a long time and just needed to do it. Then they were off to explore the city. Is it just me or do the dates seem to be much more normal and less extravagant than other seasons? It's kind of refreshing. Who needs to see a date on a helicopter every time?

Drew breaks down when he talks about his dad and his battle with addiction. Way to start out the date, Drew. Then he lays down another total downer: his dad found out he has cancer now. He said not a lot of people know he has cancer. Well, I think they do now!

After their little serious talk, they walk through the city and listen to some musicians play, and then they awkwardly start to dance. Well, Des started to dance, and Drew looked like he wanted her to stop embarrassing him.

She takes him to a quiet little place where there's a table set up. But before they could sit down, he tells her to come with him. He grabs her and she acts very surprised. The camera begins to move around spastically, as they are trying to follow where Drew and Des are going. They catch up to them in a back alley where they are having a big time make-out session.

Drew gets the rose, and then he immediately kind of spoils it by dishing some dirt on James. He (and a couple of the other guys) had wanted to tell her at the last cocktail party, but since Des canceled it, he wasn't able to. He left it up to her whether she wanted to hear what was said by James or not. She said she did and he filled her in about what he said about becoming the next Bachelor. While kind of ruining his own moment, Des was grateful to him for learning this about James.

I have to say, I think Drew is one of my favorites. I think he seems like a really nice guy and I think that he and Des make a good couple.

Group Date: Brooks, Chris, Kasey, Michael, James, Juan Pablo
Perfect date for Juan Pablo: soccer! Is this really a fair group date? I mean, the guy played professional soccer player..not really an even playing field (pun intended).

After some fun playing around, Des tells the guys that they will be playing a game against her and her team. She surprisingly brings out a team of girls. The guys were expecting a guys team, but when the girls came out, they all felt pretty good about their chances. I think these guys are about to be VERY surprised and embarrassed.

Juan Pablo starts kicking some major butt! Without him, they would not have had a chance, but Juan Pablo was really taking it to them. But, the girls were just warming up, and goalie James was winding down. They scored 8 straight goals against James in the net. He was absolutely pathetic! He was just standing there watching the ball go past him. He barely moved! He could have at least pretended that he was trying. The guys shouldn't be embarrassed to lose to a team of women, who just happen to be professionals, but James should be very embarrassed by the way he wasn't even trying. He looked like he didn't even care, and at some points he even looked scared like the girls or the ball was going to hurt him. What a wuss! Grow a pair dude!

During some one-on-one time, Des shares a poem that she wrote for Chris (since he had written one for her).

The guys talk more about James and Drew and Kasey fill in the others who weren't there, on what was said. Then they confront him. This is probably not going to end quietly. Side note..anyone know what happened to Michael's finger? Brooks is the one who broke his finger, but this is multiple episodes now where Michael has had his finger wrapped, but we don't ever really see Brooks' finger wrapped.

OK, back to the argument...James denies everything. He says he didn't bring up the conversation, Mikey did. He was just going along with what Mikey was saying. "You know what? It's guy talk." what he said. He claims he might have said something like that if you make the final four, if worse comes to worse, you could maybe become the Bachelor. So let me get this straight: Mikey brought up the subject, Mikey said all those disgusting things, and you just agreed with everything? And how is that not just as bad?

Kasey goes in for his one-on-one with Des, and he goes into further detail about the specifics of the James/Mikey conversation. Des wanted to give James the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance to explain things because maybe it was something taken out of context. But, now that Kasey confirmed what Drew said, she's pretty upset. She excuses the guys and says she isn't going to hand out a rose on the date. She wants to talk to James by himself. In her own words "the sh** is going to hit the fan" and "he has no idea what's coming to him".

Des Confronts James
She tells him she believes Kasey and Drew. He blames Mikey for everything and says that it all came from him and that he didn't say any of it. Then he says that he thinks the other guys are ganging up on him because they are threatened by him and the relationship that they think he has with her.

Then come the waterworks. "It's tough on me". He can't wrap his head around what's happening. You know it must be so hard on him when he says it's giving him a headache. Really? Geesh! She said she believes the guys but she also wants to believe him. Finally, she has to get up and walk away to think. She comes back and tells him she wants to think about things over night and see how they both feel in the morning. he has to go back and face the guys. Looks like it could be Round 2...they are SHOCKED to see him return. They thought for sure Des would send him packing immediately.

One-on-One Date: Zak
They go to an art studio where they are going to draw off of a real model. Zak actually did really well! But oh was a huge mistake when they both attempt to draw each other. Suddenly the talent that both of them showed while drawing the model went completely out the window when they drew each other. There is no way that the same people drew the first pictures and the pictures they drew of each other. The first ones looked like professional drawings and their drawings of each other looked like little kids drew them.

And then, a nude model comes in...AWKWARD!

Then Zak had an idea, and he had this really awkward giggle. He walked out of the room and came back in with a robe on. He teased that he might not have anything on underneath, but of course he did. But not much! Des thought it was pretty funny. I thought it was pretty cheesy.

Pretty boring rest of the date, and he gets the rose. He ends the date by telling Des that she pretty much means everything to him. Cut to some more making out.

Back at the Hotel
James wants to talk to Drew. Drew explains why he thought what James said was inappropriate. James doesn't think anything he said was wrong. Drew doesn't think he's there for the right reasons. Drew got pretty fired up, and James ended up just leaving the room.

Later, one of the most awkward/hilarious things I've ever seen, happened. All of the guys are sitting in the room talking and James walks in. He works his way around the coffee table and wedges himself onto the tiny couch in between Juan Pablo and Michael. This couch clearly really only seats 3 comfortably. As James squeezes himself in, Brooks, who's sitting next to Michael, gets slowly pushed off the end. But that isn't all! As James is sitting down, he puts his hand on Michael's knee! What was that?! Michael looked at the guys off to the side, as if to say "Did you guys just see what he did?" Then, Brooks scootches over a little to give Michael a little more room and asks Michael "how's that?", and Michael says "better, thank you." Awkward silence, followed by some uncomfortable twitching. Finally, Drew breaks the tension by asking Zak how he was feeling.

Luckily, Des comes in and takes James out to talk. Des says she knows she needs to send him home because she doesn't think he's somebody who can be trusted. She asks him how he's feeling and he says he feels better and that the night before he felt backed into a corner and at the time he thought he needed to fight his way out of it. So, with his sweet talking, he's talking her out of sending him home...again! At some point, she just has to stop listening to him try to talk his way out of it and just go with her heart and what she's feeling. She was so sure of what she was going to do, but then he says how tough things have been on him, and that he doesn't think there is anything wrong with what he said, and she remembers what a good time they have together, and she totally forgets why she wanted to send him home. By the end, he has her laughing and he puts his arms around her and the guys watching can't believe what they are seeing, and they are even more stunned when he comes back into the room.

Oh no, it's another awkward sit down! Now, Brooks and Michael have switched places on the couch. James makes his move and says "can I sit down with you guys?" He sits down between Juan Pablo and Brooks. Brooks goes to put his arm on the back of the couch, but then realizes that that means his arm is behind James, so he does this little fake out move where he puts his arm on the couch and then brings it up real fast and runs his hand through his hair. Haha! This is some great stuff! I just find this hilarious! Am I the only person to see all this happen, please tell me I'm not!

James now thinks he's in the clear, but the guys go after him yet again. He really digs himself in deeper, and now there are 6 other guys who hear him say that it would be a win/win situation to become the Bachelor if it doesn't work with Des.

Rose Ceremony:

Receive Roses: Chris, Brooks, Michael, and Drew and Zak who got roses on their dates

Going Home: Juan Pablo, Kasey and James

James' limo exit was pretty good. He couldn't believe that it ended this way, and that no one will ever really know the truth...and that sucks! He feels like the guys bullied him, and they bullied him right off the show. He also says "why me?" and the best quote "I just became the next Ben...ugh!" Classic!

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