Thursday, July 18, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.10

Jeremy puts on GinaMarie's baby costume and pretended he was a baby to show his softer side. Aaryn sucked up to everyone in the house and fake-apologized to Howard and told Judd she should be acknowledged for trying to be nice to everyone. She thinks Jeremy is being targeted because he was cute.

The Vote
And now...McCrae is wearing Judd's bear shirt. What is the story behind all of the shirt switching?

Candice - Jeremy
Andy - Jeremy
Howard - Jeremy
Elissa - Jeremy
Kaitlyn - Spencer
GinaMarie - Jeremy
Amanda - Jeremy
McCrae - Jeremy
Jessie - Jeremy
Judd - Jeremy

Evicted: 9-1 Jeremy is evicted

HOH Competition
America voted on royal titles to give the houseguests. They have to guess what America picked.

Earl of Egotism: Aaryn or Jessie = Aaryn
Lord of Laziness: Judd or McCrae = McCrae
Baron of Boneheads: GinaMarie or Spencer = GinaMarie
Knight of Naughtiness: Amanda or Kaitlin = Amanda
Duke of Dork: Andy or Helen = Andy
Sultan of Sexy: Elissa or Howard = Elissa

Final tie-breaker between Judd, Kaitlin and McCrae--guess how many gallons of milk it took to fill the 3 big vats from the Have/Have-Not competition. It was a close one, but Judd squeaked out the win over McCrae!

New HOH: Judd

America isn't voting for the BBMVP this week! Instead, America is voting for the 3rd nominee!


Anonymous said...

Everybody Misses YOU-come back

Lori Showalter said...

Aw! It's nice to be missed! I'll be back tomorrow...I have lots of catching up to do! I did get to watch all the Big Brother episodes while I was away (Canada loves Big Brother).

Lori Showalter said...
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