Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.7

More Racism Talk
In case you missed my blog article about the rampant racism that is going on in the house, you can read about it here. Some of the houseguests were talking about some more things that Aaryn has being saying that has been very offensive. After the group talk, Amanda went to talk to Aaryn about it one-on-one in the HOH room. She very carefully brought up the subject, and told Aaryn that some of the things that she is saying as a joke haven't been taken as a joke by some of the houseguests. Aaryn just rolled her eyes and even said "I wish I cared more about this, but I don't." She said she wasn't even going to bother addressing it because it was the "most obnoxious and annoying" thing that she had ever heard. Obviously, she's not going to change and she doesn't care...AT ALL. So sad.

The Vote
Jeremy - Elissa
Kaitlin - Elissa
Andy - Nick
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - Nick
Spencer - Nick
Jessie - Nick
Howard - Elissa
McCrae - Nick
Amanda - Nick
Candice - Nick

7 votes to 4, and my Nick is evicted! I CANNOT believe that 2 members of the Moving Company turned on Nick! It is week 2 people, WEEK freakin' 2! You don't turn on your alliance until you're the last 5 people left. I was never 100% secure with Spencer or McCrae (or Jeremy for that matter). I sensed that they could be a little wishy-washy, and this proved it. The first time one of their own is in trouble, and rather than help him out, they turn on him and actually vote to evict him! They have to know that the tables are going to turn and this is only going to hurt them in the end.

And can we talk about GinaMarie for a minute? Holy crap woman! Get a hold of yourself! She burst out into screaming tears. She had to be consoled by every member of the house. She was hyperventilating at one point. She's known Nick for 2 weeks and she acts like someone just died. I thought for a minute she might actually cling to him and follow him right out the door. The funny thing is that I think he liked her about as much as he liked Jessie. What is it about him that makes these girls so crazy for him that they are so obsessive over him and feel the need to be so clingy. My goodness!

HOH Competition
In the middle of the night, deliveries are made in the backyard and they had to memorize things in the deliveries for true and false questions.

Jeremy and Judd out on round 1. Are you freaking kidding me? Jeremy GAVE Aaryn the HOH last week so he could compete in the next HOH, and this is what he does with it?

2 tiebreakers at the end and it's Helen with the win. Look out BB house, there has been a shift in power. The mean girls and haters are now going to be the targets.

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