Sunday, July 7, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.5

And the new HOH is...
After a very tight race between Aaryn/Jeremy,  Andy/Elissa and Judd/Nick, Aaryn and Jeremy finish first.. I can't believe neither of them could beat Aaryn/ was so close! Aaryn bawled like a little baby and Jeremy rolled around on the ground like a spoiled child. Wow, we're not immature, are we?

Now, they have to decide who will be HOH. Of course the Moving Company is banking on Jeremy taking control. But, without much of a discussion (that we saw any way), Jeremy announces that Aaryn will be the HOH. AARYN...wah wah. I hear viewers around the country booing very loudly right now. She is probably the LAST person America wants to see win anything.

Jeremy said his 3 reasons for "giving" the HOH to Aaryn were: 1) her man candy just left 2) she's not going to go after him 3) he will be able to compete for HOH again next week (which he assumes he will win).

Aaryn was immediately put on the spot to pick the 4 Have-Nots for the week. Seriously Big Brother? You're giving someone who shouldn't be given any power, not only the HOH but now the power to bully these people more than she already has. That is so not fair. If anyone was going to choose, I think it should have been Jeremy, since he technically won the competition, too. Why give all the power to one person?

She asks for people to raise their hands who voted to evict David. Duh, do you really think anyone is going to admit that in front of everyone? Ha! So, she selects Elissa, Candice, Helen and Andy. Yep, the same people that were last week. Oh yeah, and 3 of those 4 are people she has bullied, said racist and very mean things to.

HOH Room

So, everyone always hates going to see the HOH room. But with Aaryn as the new HOH, everyone was LOATHING going up there and having to pretend like they were excited. There were some great comments about it. Helen said, "I'd rather eat slop for the rest of the summer than see her HOH room" and she also said "just shoot me now." Andy said he wasn't looking forward to it, but  "how often do you get to see baby pictures of the devil." These people are cracking me up!

Looking around the room at the faces, and everyone's face was basically saying "get me out of here, I don't want to be here."  Not only that, but she had a creepy clown that was freaking everyone out.

Some great strategic moves have been made recently. Spencer purposely told Candice he was voting out Elissa and told her to do the same thing, just so that when David was evicted, she would tell everyone that he told her to vote for Elissa, just to cover himself.

Andy purposely went and talked to Aaryn to confess that he voted out David. He said he didn't feel safe and needed to take the opportunity to take out someone who was coming for him. He said he didn't think that Elissa was targeting him. His plan worked and Aaryn said she respected him coming to her and being truthful about it and that she wasn't going to hold that against him.  He said he needed to keep his "friends close and his Aaryn's closer."

The Manhunt for David's Demise Continues
In the HOH room, Aaryn is still trying to figure out who the 7 people are who voted David out and who is lying. The other people in the HOH room at the time were: Jeremy, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Nick, and Jessie. Jeremy suggests that everyone in the room are the ones who voted to keep David and everyone else downstairs is lying. Aaryn says that someone must have orchestrated the entire thing. Jeremy and Nick look at each other and smile (risky move guys, come on!). Then the devil herself, says with a very creepy grin "Nick, if it was you I'm going to cut off your [bleep] in your sleep." (The word was bleeped and her mouth was blurred out, but my best guess was that she said "balls".) Whoa! Everyone in the house is shocked and kind of scared at the same time. They kind of nervously laughed about it, but I really think that they were all thinking she was kind of serious for a minute there. I personally think she could do it, and I think Big Brother should banish her for threatening Nick. Given the other negative, offensive and racist things she's said, I'd say they would have more than enough reason to do so.

Racist Remarks Come To Light
In the HOH room, Kaitlin, Judd and Howard were alone and they were talking about how Aaryn was complaining about the bed in her HOH room. Then they started talking about the crap that she is talking about everyong. They specifically bring up some of the racist things she's said. AND we actually get to see her saying some of these things. There you go America...if you didn't know it before, you do now. This is the real Aaryn.

Oh man, they put together a compilation of just about all the quotes that I've read about online. And not just Aaryn's either. GinaMarie's and a few others got thrown in as well.

Howard said he's heard some of the things that she's said, and even though she wasn't directly saying them about him at the time, her comments still hurt. I really admire the way he was able to keep his emotions in check and he didn't just go off on her. He stayed calm, cool and collected and is keeping his eyes on the prize. Way to be the bigger person Howard!

The Moving Company's Members Are Being Figured Out
The whole eviction confusion has everyone wondering what's going on, and who's lying right to their face. Candice and Helen start to put some things together. They first think that Nick and Jeremy are working together. Then they think Spencer might be with them too, even though he told Candice to vote out Elissa. They even consider "Howie" to be in on it, but they aren't sure how "McRae-cray" is involved. Out of the members they named, they said Nick is the one to watch out for. Man...I really didn't want the Moving Company to be figured out so quickly. And I really don't want them to be targeting Nick. I really thought they were being pretty smart about things. And they each even have their own sub-alliances, which you would think would help separate themselves from each other.

Nick's Stalker
Jessie really likes Nick, but she thinks he hates her because he always leaves the room whenever she comes in. Amanda tries to tell her it's all in her head (I'm thinking it's not...she's annoying). So, she goes into the kitchen and sits down next to him. She says his name and he doesn't even look at her. She asks why he hates her, and he said he doesn't. You could tell her voice was just making his skin crawl and he was looking for any excuse to get the heck out of there. Jeremy said he should go make coffee and so he leaps out of his chair to do it. She then decides she is just going to follow him around the house like a little puppy. Yeah, that won't annoy him and make him hate you any more than he already does. Smart move, what are you, 5? She follows him into the bedroom and she says she is observing him in his natural habitat. That's just creepy. He called her a "Level 5 Clinger"'s a good one! I really feel bad for the guy. How do you tell someone to just leave you alone because you aren't into them at all.  Total awkwardness ensues as she stares at him and loudly sips her drink. Yikes!

Sucking Up to the HOH
Helen decides to talk to Aaryn because she thinks she will be a target for her. Helen admits to voting for David, but says she thinks they should try to move past it and possibly work together. Aaryn says she is offended by Helen coming to talk to her. WHAT??? You're offended by HER?! Geez louise you have some nerve girl. She thinks it's just because she's HOH, Helen now decides to talk to her about the game for the first time. While that is 100% true, she has no right to be offended by it.

Puppet Master
Jeremy thinks he's calling the shots with Aaryn's HOH (which it kind of seems like he is). He is trying to deflect the names of the Moving Company, and throw out other names as targets for Aaryn to go after. After talking to some members of the alliance, they think they need to go after Amanda because she's a threat. Jeremy goes to the HOH room and tells Aaryn that Amanda is the one who masterminded to get David out. He says the other target should be Elissa. It is really scary how much power Jeremy thinks he has. He better not be the downfall of the Moving Company for his cockiness.

Aaryn did NOT listen to Jeremy. So he has failed at his first attempt at being a puppet master. Aaryn nominated Elissa and Helen. Aaryn blames Elissa for David leaving, and she said Helen is there by association to Elissa.

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