Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.4

Secrets Revealed
Elissa "shocks" the house by telling everyone her secrets: 1: that she's Rachel's sister and 2: she won BBMVP. Amanda and Andy are thankful that she finally came clean and they think now maybe they can work with her.

New Showmance: Kaitlin & Jeremy

Whining Over Wine
The houseguests decide to wait to drink the last bottle of wine until midnight so the Have-Nots could join in. However, some people couldn't wait, so they decided to start a little early. Aaryn was the instigator. She didn't think she could wait another 45 minutes, and didn't really care. So, Jeremy went and got the bottle and he, Aaryn, David and a couple others polished it off. By the time midnight rolled around, everyone went looking for the bottle of wine, which was now missing. Things start getting heated, as they realize that someone selfishly drank it. Helen (a Have-Not), couldn't believe how selfish it was. Suspicions about who it might have been caused some eye rolls and whispering. Aaryn didn't care, she thought they deserved it because they have been gossiping and talking behind their backs all week. Finally, Jeremy had enough and he went inside and confronted everyone. He said it was his idea to drink the wine and that he was the only one, and if they had a problem with it, they should go after him. Seriously, Jeremy? Why on earth would you take the complete blame for that? After he left, Helen started crying because she couldn't believe that he was serious and she's never seen anyone just go off like that. Oh boy. Then Amanda goes outside and she and Jeremy get into a shouting match. And this is all over a bottle of wine, people!.

New and SURPRISING Showmance: Amanda & McCrae! (Who would have thought? Rumor has it from the live feeds earlier in the week, these 2 are the first ones this season to "do it"...and it's only the first week!)

The Live Votes
Amanda - David
Aaryn - Elissa
Nick - David
Candice - Elissa
Spencer - David
Kaitlin - Elissa
Helen - David
Howard - David
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - David
Jeremy - Elissa
Andy - David

David is EVICTED! 7 votes and he's out. Some of the houseguests could not be more shocked! It is so eerily quiet as he left. I can't tell if absolutely no one was talking, or if CBS muted the feed. I can't believe Jeremy went against the Moving Company. He's lucky his vote wasn't the deciding vote.

HOH Competition
The comp is a repeat of when they have to slide down lanes with tiny cups to fill up big jugs with barbecue sauce, until it's high enough to grab the ping pong ball. They have the option of filling a smaller jug first, that would release bigger cups they could use to fill the HOH jug more quickly.

I'm confused. They are working in teams of 2? I think that's really dumb. The winning team of 2 has to decide which one of them will become the HOH. They were randomly paired, so it should be interesting. One team member fills the cup and takes it halfway down the lane to a hedge, and then they hand over the cup to their teammate who then takes it the rest of the way to the jug.

The teams (the first name is the filler and the second name is the pourer):

Helen & Spencer
GinaMarie & Candice
Elissa & Andy
Kaitlyn & Amanda
Nick & Judd
Jeremy & Aaryn
Jessie & Howard

I think Nick and Judd could be a good combo. Go Nick!

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