Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.9

First things Helen really wearing Judd's weird bear shirt in the Diary Room? Ew! ...and Why!

Surprise, surprise, surprise...Elissa is the BBMVP for 3 weeks straight. It sure would be nice if someone else could have a chance.

Howard is Forced to Confess
Helen confronted Spencer about the Moving Company and both he and McCrae said that Howard was in the Moving Company. Spencer told Howard that he better tell Helen the truth. He was right because she was ready to come after him as the 2nd person to go after, after Jeremy.

Helen and McCrae want Elissa to put up Howard or Spencer as her nominee, in order to backdoor Jeremy. I'm so glad that Elissa doesn't want to put up Howard and that she's trying to talk them out of it.

BBMVP Nominates...Spencer

Veto Competition: Keeping Up With The Joneses'
Players: Aaryn, Kaitlin, Spencer, Helen, GinaMarie, Candice
Host: Judd (or as Helen said "Judd the stud!")

Individually, they have to match artwork on a wall on their own wall. They have to bounce on a trampoline to see over a wall and memorize what's on the other side. The one who gets them all right in the shortest amount of time.

Candice: 8:46
GinaMarie: 8:56
Spencer: 12:19
Aaryn: 9:50
Kaitlin: 7:09
Helen: 8:55

Kaitlin wins the Veto. She has an unusually hard decision to make. Normally, you would be absolutely stupid to not use the Veto on yourself. However, she knows that if she takes herself off the block, Jeremy is going up and he will go home this week. So, just how important is this showmance? If Jeremy goes home, it's because of her. Can she live with that? I sure hope so. I don't know if I can take a 3rd girl sobbing over her man leaving the house.

Everyone seems to be forgetting just how badly Aaryn needs to go home. This week will be a complete waste if she doesn't go...I don't care how much of a threat they think Jeremy is.

Oh wow...Kaitlin is really stupid. She thinks she can convince Helen to put up someone else other than Howard.

Veto Ceremony
Kaitlin uses the Veto on herself, and just as promised, Jeremy goes up in her place. 3 weeks = 3 broken showmances.

Oh no...Helen is wearing Judd's shirt again!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT???

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