Sunday, July 14, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.8

The Eviction Aftermath
GinaMarie and Jeremy are still reeling from Nick's untimely eviction. The Moving Company should have had 4 votes plus their 2 girls (Kaitlin and GinaMarie) should have secured a 6-5 vote. BUT 2 "goobers" as Jeremy called them, chose to turn their back on their 2-week alliance. Who does that? Seriously, you couldn't stick with it a few more weeks.

Kaitlin calls out Jessie and says she will find out if she's lying about not voting Nick out. GinaMarie goes off on the entire house, spouting off about how she doesn't care and they should vote her out next because she doesn't want to be in the house without Nick. She says that they are all scared of her because they've seen her muscle and she's from New York, "so bring it!" Can we say, crazy? Oh, and she called them all "scrubs" and "losers". Classy, GinaMarie. Classy. One thing is for sure, she is a very ugly crier. Pull yourself together woman! Or...just one wants you there any way.

Bullying and a Temper Tantrum

Aaryn and Kaitlin ganged up on Jessie for jumping to the other side of the house. Jessie said that they hadn't treated her very nicely, and at least Elissa had some respect. They talked down to her and said "oh really? She does?" Judd walks in the room and Kaitlin tells him to leave. He said it's his house too, and grabbed Jessie's hand to take her out of the room. Kaitlin said that Judd could be her fifth chance at a showmance and then called her a crazy slutty bitch."

Kaitlin decided to sit on the bed and annoy Jessie. She asked them nicely, and they just laughed at her. Jeremy didn't help things, by sitting on her bed. She asked him nicely to leave because it was making her uncomfortable.

And then, the incident that I have been hearing about all over Twitter this weekend. I wondered if CBS would air any of this. Aaryn decides to flip over the mattress she was sitting on, while Kaitlin laughed hysterically, and Jeremy just smiled. She is such a child! It played out just as crazily on tv as it sounded like it would.

Then Candice came in to find her bed and stuff all over the ground. Aaryn, Kaitlin and GinaMarie continued to taunt Candice and Howard, who came in to see what was going on. Aaryn said she wouldn't want to sit on Candice's bed because of all the crabs. GinaMarie got right in Candice's face, and I'm not really even sure why. The fight didn't involve her. She was sleeping and/or crying on the bed oblivious to what was going on when Aaryn flipped the bed. Howard physically carried Candice out of the room to keep her from doing or saying something she would regret.

Later on, GinaMarie as she is STILL sobbing about Nick leaving. As hurt as Candice was, she still was the bigger person and tried to console her, like any decent human being would do. Aaryn joins in and gives one of the fakest apologies I think I've ever heard. She told Candice that she apologized if she was offended by anything she has said, or took it in the wrong way. In the DR, Aaryn says in her apology, she wanted Candice to realize that SHE took what was said the wrong way. She was in no way taking responsibility or really apologizing for anything she said. She was just sorry that Candice took it the wrong way.

Have/Have-Not Competition: Scary Dairy
They have to transfer sour milk from bucket to bucket in order to fill a jug. Yuck!

Howard is trying to throw it because he is on a team with Aaryn, Kaitlin and GinaMarie. He didn't care if he had to go down with them, but he said those 3 deserved to be Have-Nots. I agree! However, McCrae was doing so horribly that it was almost impossible for him to throw it.

The Red team finished first, so Andy, Elissa, Spencer and Candice are Haves.
The Blue team finished second, so unfortunately, Howard's plan didn't work, and they are also Haves.

The Have-Nots for the week are: Amanda, McCrae, Judd and Jessie.

The Moving Company is Exposed
McCrae says he ditched the MC because they were pressuring him to make a choice between them and the alliance, so he made his choice. Spencer said he voted Nick out because of a convincing argument that Helen made to him, and because Jeremy makes it hard to protect him. Wow...these guys are REALLY stupid! Dumbest reasons for turning on a solid alliance that I've ever heard. Howard said he was 50/50 on voting out Nick...but I'm glad he didn't turn on Nick.

McCrae confessed to Amanda that he was in an all-guy alliance, hoping to get closer to her. She had suspected he was hiding things from her, and he wanted to come clean. She seemed to be OK with it.

Later, Jeremy tells Helen that he was in an all-guy alliance. Helen was happy to hear that her and Candice were right. She thinks now that maybe there's a way for her alliance to work with Jeremy.

Helen then guilted Howard into confessing that he voted to keep Nick. She gave him a chance to come clean, and she flat-out asked him about the guys alliance...and he lied! At this point, the MC is over and done with, there is no reason to lie about it now. Especially since she already knows about it! What was he thinking? He was afraid if she knew about it, she wouldn't trust him. But, it's the opposite...she knows he's still lying to her! Oh no!

Nomination Ceremony
Helen puts Aaryn and Kaitlin up for elimination. The Mom Squad is out to crush the Mean Girls. Let's hope it happens, because I can't stand any more of the "good" guys going at the hands of the nominee of the BBMVP. I sure hope that when Elissa wins it again that she puts up someone like Spencer or GinaMarie this time.


Anonymous said...

excellent post I'm a massive Big Brother fan from Holland

My site ... ken

Lori Showalter said...

Thanks Ken! Make sure to check out my recaps for the rest of the BB US season as well as BBUK and Big Brother Australia!