Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.6

Big surprise, Elissa wins the MVP for the 2nd straight week. She wants to target Jeremy. She wasn't sure if she wanted to nominate him right away, because he has a good chance of winning the Veto. If she would wait, there's a chance that they could back door him.

3rd Nominee
Elissa decided to nominate Jeremy.

Veto Competition
Players: Elissa, Helen, Jeremy, Aaryn, Amanda, Nick
Host: GinaMarie

Before the competition, Elissa talks to Nick because him winning is a problem. She  said if he doesn't throw the competition, and Jeremy wins she will put him up as the replacement. Nick says he is going to tell Elissa whatever she wants to hear, but he is still going to bust his butt to win the Veto.

Right before the competition, Brittany paid a visit via video and shared with the houseguests that she was pregnant and needed help setting up the nursery. So, outside in the backyard were huge cribs and the contestants were wearing cute! What was NOT so cute was host, GinaMarie's baby outfit of a baggy diaper and a big baby hat. YIKES! Revolting outfit! Made me want to puke.

The goal of the competition was to get all of their stuffed animals attached to their mobile without any of them touching the ground. It was so hard! These animals were falling all over the place. Finally, Jeremy comes away with the win. Kaitlin screamed so loud when he won...geesh! Settle down, girl.

Jeremy's Ultimatum
With Jeremy pulling himself off the block, Kaitlin is worried that Elissa is going to go after her instead. Jeremy said he would protect her no matter what. So, he went to each member of the Moving Company individually, and told them if Elissa isn't voted out, he will know someone from the alliance didn't vote the way he wanted and he will back out of the alliance. Each member of the group reassured him, but then also thought it was pretty selfish of him to start giving out orders to them like he's the leader of the group.

Nick Blows It Big Time
Elissa is being pressured by Helen and Candice to put up Nick because he's a huge threat. She doesn't want to go against her word. So, she goes to him and asks him if she put up Kaitlin if he would vote her out...he basically said "no". She asked him if he was going to vote for her...he basically said "yes". Big mistake! Now she can't trust him, which means he's probably going to be nominated.

Veto Ceremony
Jeremy removes himself from the block and the houseguests see that the MVP's replacement is Nick. Me no likey!!! This is not good...we have a code red people, CODE RED! I sure hope the Moving Company has an emergency plan and can save him. I don't want what happened to David to happen this week.

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