Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.2

Guy Talk
Jeremy and Judd think that the BBMVP is going to be a girl every week because people always like the girls. So, Jeremy thinks he needs to cozy up with every one of the pretty girls to make sure they like him. He doesn't think it should be too hard because he is very charming.

Girl Talk
The girls (Aaryn, Jessie and Kaitlin) start talking about the cute guys in the house. They decide to come up with nicknames for some of the cute guys...

Nick=Manhattan...scratch that--Big (that one just doesn't even make would make more sense for Jeremy)
Jeremy=The Sailor (um...I think people will figure that one out)

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel
All the houseguests are talking about Rachel and doing Rachel impressions. It starts to really get under Elissa's skin. It's all she can do to sit there and not say anything.

Alliance Talk
Nick and Jeremy talk in the backyard. Nick thinks that he, Jeremy, Howard, Spencer and McCrae should be in an alliance because they are all challenge threats and are seem very trustworthy. Jeremy couldn't be happier about this, because he already has a secret alliance with Howard and Spencer.

I sure hope someone is keeping track of all these alliances and sub-alliances, because this is getting confused.

I like that Nick is taking charge with all these alliance invitations, but if he's too social and too in control, that could put a target on him later in the game. He is so smart, figuring out the odds of being safe now that 3 people are going on the block.

And the name of this alliance is "The Moving Company". I LIKE IT!

Shomance: Aaryn & David
Aaryn tells David that he might need to save her in these competitions. She's in luck because he's totally ready to come to her rescue. He thinks she is smarter than him, so it will be good to work with her. Not only that, but he said he came into the competition for more of a showmance than the money. Seriously, dude? Dude...I on.

Showmance: Jessie & Jeremy
Jessie has a crush on Jeremy and she thinks that he looks like Jacob from Twilight, and she is like Bella. Oh immature. I mean, I love me some Twilight, but that's just crazy. Poor Amanda has to listen to her go on and on about her having crushes on Jeremy and Nick and wanting Amanda to go talk to the guys for her and not wanting to make them jealous. Amanda really could care less about this stupid high school crap. Jessie: GROW UP!

The Secret Is Out!
Judd...who was going to keep the secret he knew about Elissa being Rachel's sister...he tells McCrae. Oh well...EVERYONE else in the house is talking about it. Well, everyone except David that is. He's all like "who's that?". So Aaryn explains who Rachel was, and he's all like "Aaryn is one smart cookie" for figuring that out because he had no clue. Holy crap, what an idiot!

They all think that she should have just been up front about it. Since she hid it, they wonder what else she's hiding. They also thing it's insulting if she thinks they won't figure it out. So, Elissa=instant target.

Eventually, she confides in McCrae and tells him who she is because she's afraid people are figuring it out...but yet she doesn't want him to say anything to anyone. McCrae isn't sure what he wants to do. As a superfan of the show, he is excited to play with Rachel's sister. But, on the other hand, he might become a target if he doesn't take her out.

Have/Have Not Comp: Cooler and the Gang
I gotta give big props to the BB production crew. This one of the best looking game setups I've ever seen. It totally looks like a camp and a lake instead of the pool and the backyard.

The yellow and blue teams were off to a great start. The red team, with Howard starting off, was well, kind of going backwards on his inner tube. And then, he forgot to hold his breath and was having trouble. Then Judd, flipped several times for red.

Blue team stacks all their cans first, so they are Haves. Yellow was so close, with 2 cans left, and theirs falls over, which means they have to start over. Red had to start over awhile back, so it should be theirs to lose. But team Yellow comes up with the win. The Red team of: Howard, Helen, Andy, Judd and Elissa are the Have Nots.

The Have Not room is basically an airplane. There is one row of airplane seats to sleep on. Ouch!

McCrae has quite a few people talking in his ear telling him what to do. He's hearing names like Elissa, Jessie and Candice. Personally, I think Jessie and Elissa would be great choices because they are easily 2 of the most annoying people in the house (with GinaMarie being the third).

The Moving Company boss, Nick, thinks his employee McCrae should nominate girls.

Nominees: Candice and Jessie

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