Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big Brother UK 14: Week 2 Recap

Nominations for Week 2:

Dexter: 10 votes
Gina: 8 votes
Jemima: 5 votes

The housemates each nominated 2 housemates, and Dexter, Gina and Jemima received the most votes. Dexter was nominated because they think he listens in on conversations and spreads rumors which result in arguments. Gina was nominated because she doesn't do much to help others in the house and isn't getting much out of the experience. Jemima was nominated because many feel that she likes Sam more than as a friend and it makes others uncomfortable and that she isn't polite when she asks for things.

As a result of public votes, Gina was saved because she had received the fewest votes for eviction. That meant that either Dexter or Jemima would be evicted. In their pleas to be saved, Dexter said he should be saved because he has more to show and he wants to continue to make friends to take outside of the house, and Jemima said she has more to show as well and more entertaining things to do in the house.

Big Brother told the housemates that some of them had violated the rules by talking about nominations. As a result, the rule-breakers would have to spend some time in jail. The offenders were: Joe, Hazel, Jackie and Jemima.

Zombie Virus:
The housemates were awoken one morning with a loud alarm and Big Brother telling them that there were zombies outside and infected crew had entered the house. There were only 6 gas masks and they had to decide which 6 would get them. The remaining housemates would be exposed to the virus and would have to be put in Quarantine. They decided that Callum, Hazel, Daley, Charlie, Joe and Wolfy.

The 6 safe housemates needed to try to cure as many of the infected housemates as possible to get food in their shopping task.

The first antidote would be administered to Gina. She had to drink an awful concoction of sheep eyes, fish, and other gross stuff, and then be tipped upside down! I couldn't believe she attempted it, let alone completed the task. She was then cured and allowed out of Quarantine.

Next was Dan, and he was to be subjected to poisonous, creepy animals (snakes, cockroaches, etc.). He was strapped in a chair and blindfolded while Callum and Hazel used fake objects to touch him, causing him to scream in sheer terror. It was actually really, really funny...only because it wasn't really happening to him. He was then cured and let back into the house.

Jack and Jackie were chosen next by Charlie and Joe. They were to have hair samples taken, which meant shaving a strip of hair right down the middle of their head. Jack did it, but was very upset afterward. Jackie refused and was sent back to Quarantine.

After 24+ hours in Quarantine, all were allowed back into the house. I think this whole thing was just cruel. They were locked away for an extremely long amount of time, under some pretty terrible conditions, and then were subjected to some really awful punishments.

More Trouble:
Gina got herself into some more trouble because she hid some alcohol in the house, which is not allowed. She did it because of what happened to her in Quarantine and how awfully she was treated. Big Brother told her to go to jail, but she refused. Because she refused, the food won in the shopping task was not going to be delivered to the rest of the house. She didn't even care...very selfish.

Game of Hide and Seek:
Big Brother challenged the housemates to a game of hide and seek with Jack and Joe. All the housemates were to one by one slip away, unnoticed into the storage room. Wolfy was last and she pulled it off by leaving Jack and Joe in the tree house while she said she was going to the bathroom. They eventually got tired of waiting for her and went into the house and found it completely empty. Eventually, they found the entire house hiding in the storage room.

Evicted: Jemima

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