Monday, June 10, 2013

The Voice, Ep. 4.22 & 4.23

Team Adam

Song #1: Katy Perry is a different song for her. It starts out WAY too low. I know she needs some room to be able to hit the high notes, but she's gotta be able to sing the low notes audibly. This is the first performance of Amber's that I just really don't care for at all. She sounds very off-key. She just pulled out her ear-bud, so I am wondering if she can't hear herself. She's always spot-on and amazing. And she can sing everything from country to Adele, but this was just bad. Yikes. I wonder if the coaches will be honest, or if they will say it was good. Nope.

Song #2: She is singing one of Adam's songs. This song sounded off really shaky as well. But it did get better. It still was not one of her better performances though. Adam said she did it justice and was overjoyed with how she performed the song he wrote.

Team Blake

Song #1: Wow. Little Danielle is growing up right in front of our eyes. She looks so grown up tonight. She just doesn't have a bad performance. She is simply amazing. She just makes everything sound so effortless, like she isn't even trying.

Song #2: Another really good performance. Enough said. She is singing like she's already got this show beat and she's coming back to the show to perform.

The Swon Brothers
Song #1: This is a great song for them. I love the dark stage and just a few lights, it really gives a cool vibe to the song. And then the explosion of lights as they hit the chorus with a bang! Very cool. Great performance. The more I hear from these guys, the more I like them.

Song #2: This isn't my favorite song, but it's still a good performance. I like that they are so versatile. They have the whole straight-up country thing where they just jam away on the guitar, and then they pull out the more mellow harmony with piano. Very lovely.

Team Shakira

Song #1: She starts off really shaky and it just sounds awkward. The arrangement was a little too slow and boring. It definitely got better as it went on, but I didn't think overall it was that great.

Song #2: Another different look for her. She's really grown into quite the performer. There were parts of this that I loved, and parts that were just kind of annoying. For the most part it was a lot of fun because it was really upbeat.

Team Usher

Song #1: I'm starting to feel like she's singing the same songs, in the exact same way every single week. I'm ready to see/hear her do something a little different. She needs to work on the beginnings of her songs. She tends to start off kind of weak, and then build up to make the ending really great. If you listen to the beginning, she often cracks and her voice really fades in and out. It was a good performance, but not outstanding.

Song #2: She took my advice on her 2nd song, and had a much stronger beginning. This was a really good performance for her.

The Results:

Sasha (Team Shakira) and Amber (Team Adam) are eliminated, which leaves our Final 3:

The Swon Brothers (Team Blake), Danielle (Team Blake) and Michelle (Team Usher)


Unknown said...

So who is going home tonight? I think Michelle has been in it long enough. Would you go to a concert of her's?

Lori Showalter said...

I personally wouldn't. I might buy some of her music though. I'm kind of ready to see her go too, but I think she's really connecting with people, so I think she's going to be safe at least 1 more week. She had a really good performance to end the night, and it was pretty emotional, so I think she'll get the votes to keep her around. My bet is Sasha or possibly Amber because her first song was so terrible. Danielle is the only 1 I would consider absolutely safe.