Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 29.2

After Tribal: Coyopa Camp
Josh confesses to voting for Baylor. He said it was to further their alliance. He wanted the guys to think he wasn't working with her. Interesting strategy. Kind of smart. Baylor questioned his move because he didn't tell her ahead of time that he was going to write her name down.

Hunahpu Camp
Somehow they lost their flint...on day 4. Oops! Jon said he may have lost it when he set it down. He compared himself to J'Tia. Ha! He hoped by confessing that they would respect that and forgive him. But now he's worried.

Meanwhile, Reed shows us that he is beyond super bendy by pulling his leg straight up to his head! What?! He said he was stretching to prepare for the battle. Jon and Drew do a ton of push-ups and squats with logs to prepare. I don't think this is smart. They are wasting calories. In a couple days, they are going to be in bad shape. Have they ever watched Survivor before and seen what the game does to the big, strong guys?

Reward Challenge Duel

Reward: fishing gear

Rocker vs. Reed in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Rocker wins and they pick him to do the challenge. That means it's him vs. Julie.

The challenge is to balance a ball on a paddle while going through an obstacle. He was so close and dropped the ball at the very end. He has to start over, so Julie has a big lead now. He made it to the end again, and lost concentration and it fell for a 2nd time right at the end!

At part 2, they have to roll 3 balls into a hole. Julie gets all 3 before he gets to the 2nd station.

John is going to Exile, and Julie wins reward for Hunahpu. Julie chooses Jeremy to join John on Exile.

Before leaving, Reed proposes a trade with Jeff. They lost their flint, so they want to keep their fishing gear, but trade flint for the beans. Jeff didn't like that offer. He said that they need to trade the fishing gear instead. They were going to just take the fishing gear, but Jeff said that when their fire goes out...and it will...they will want to trade again. Next time, Jeff said the price is going to be a lot more than fishing gear. So, they decided to take that offer. Wow...29 seasons and that's a new one.

Exile Island
Jeremy knows exactly who John is. He's not thrilled to be stuck on the island with him.

John picks the earn with no clue, and Jeremy gets the clue to the Immunity Idol...just like his wife. But, unlike his wife, he shares the clue with John. He's hoping that John will work with his wife and they could find the idol and keep each other safe.

Coyopa Camp
With John at Exile, everyone talks about who he really is. Josh is thinking with all the negativity surrounding John, that he would like to work with him.

Immunity Challenge
The famous sumo-style battle: knock your opponent off the platform. First tribe to 5 wins. Julie sits out for Hunahpu.

Round 1: Kelly (Hunahpu) vs. Jaclyn (Coyopa); Winner: Coyopa
Round 2: Drew (Hunahpu) vs. Alec (Coyopa): Winner: Hunahpu
Round 3: Jeremy (Hunahpu) vs. Wes (Coyopa); Winner: Coyopa
Round 4: Natalie (Hunahpu) vs. Val (Coyopa); Winner: Hunahpu (Wow! Twinnie over the cop!)
Round 5: Jon (Hunahpu) vs. John (Coyopa); Winner: Hunahpu (Holy crap!!!! Rocker's bleeding! Jon dropped John just like the "h" from his name apparently)
Round 6: Missy (Hunahpu) vs Baylor (Coyopa); Winner: Coyopa (one hit and Baylor's bleeding; her mom felt horrible, but Baylor wanted to continue...even though she was in tears)
Round 7: Reed (Hunahpu) vs. Josh (Coyopa); Winner: Hunahpu
Round 8: Keith (Hunahpu) vs. Dale (Coyopa); Winner: Coyopa
Round 9: Kelly (Hunahpu) vs. Jaclyn (Coyopa); Winner: Hunahpu

Hunahpu wins and is still undefeated this season in all challenges.

Pre-Tribal: Coyopa Camp
Val's freaking out because she doesn't have the idol. She is lying and is saying that she has not one, but two idols! One is bad enough to lie about, but two? Where the heck did she get two from? No one's going to buy that. She's also lying to John, who her husband was hoping she'd work with. It's not going to last long if she starts out by lying to him.

John has a clue, and he starts to look...and he finds it! It was buried, and he dug it up right away. Nicely done. Too bad for Val...she had the clue for days and couldn't find anything.

John tells Josh that Val told him she had 2 idols. He wants to help Val, so he said they should split the votes 3-3. She will play her idol and Baylor will go home. Problem is...she doesn't have the idol. She doesn't care, she thinks she can still get the votes she needs to be safe. Me thinks she's not so smart at this game. Splitting votes is risky enough without lying about having an idol. I don't know what she's thinking.

Tribal Council
Val calls out Baylor for playing both sides. She said she was with the girls, but she voted with the guys. Things are getting heated!

The whole tribe calls Val out for saying she has 2 idols. They said they should just vote for her and flush out one of them, if she's got one.

The Votes
Jeff calls for the idols, and Val's got...nothin'


It's a tie! Time to revote for either Val or Baylor. I'm guessing since they know Val doesn't have an idol, she's gone. In John's confessional he said she should have played her idol because now he looks like a liar to her husband...he told her this is what would happen.


Hahahahahahahaha! Boy did I call that one! She REALLY screwed the pooch on that one!

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