Sunday, October 26, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 25.5

5th Leg: Copenhagen Denmark -> Marrakech, Morocco

Kym & Alli lead it off.

Speed Bump: Getting the Hang of it
Because last leg was a non-elimination leg, Misti & Jim have to complete an extra task. They are feeling pretty good because they still have their Save, so no matter what, they can't be eliminated this leg.

For their task, they have to carry a bunch of rugs and then use poles to hook them up on the wall.

They really struggle, as Misti can't seem to get the hang of hanging, and Jim won't let her help with the more easy task of tying the bottoms. Needless to say, there was quite a bit of arguing going on.

Route Info: Cart it Out
They have to pick a cart and get it set up to sell on the street. The carts were really heavy and they were all having trouble moving and then stopping the carts. They were running into everyone and everything.

Keith & Whitney are the first to complete the task! Yay!

All teams finish, and Misti & Jim arrive. Phil tells us that they are now about 12 minutes behind all the other teams.

Road Block: Pulling Your Hair Out
They have to get hair off of hides and then take the hides on bikes to the tanner.

Bethany chose to do the Roadblock because she's really been wanting to do one to get the butterflies out. This seems like it could be really difficult with just one arm. But she always does better than you think she would. She was using her feet to help pull and it was working pretty well for her. She got some help from some locals to load her bike. I don't know how she is going to be able to ride the bike and balance. But she did, she just kind of walked the bike instead of riding it.

All the teams were at about the same stage in the task, and no one could find where they were supposed to go.

Misti bumped into Nici and knocked all her hides off. Ha! Then a local did the same thing to her. Crazy busy streets!

Now they have to find their way back. Shelley tries to push Keith out of the way to get their clue. It's clear these 2 teams don't really like each other.

Detour: Twirl Time or Tea Time
Twirl Time: twirl their tassles on their head for one minute while also keeping a beat
Tea Time: carry a tea set through the busy streets, then balance tray with one arm while the other pours the tea

I think the Tea Time task would be much harder than the other one, because the streets are always so crazy.

Twirl Time: Shelley & Nici, Kym & Alli, Keith & Whitney, Amy & Maya
Tea Time: Misti & Jim, Adam & Bethany, Tim & Te Jay, Brooke & Robbie

Misti did not hold the tray with one hand, so they had to do it again, but they aren't told what they are doing wrong. It took them 10 times to get it right. Brooke & Robbie didn't pour high enough.

Bethany only has one arm, so the balancing for her was really easy. Adam did a great job pouring, and they were the first to finish!

Kym & Alli were the first to finish the Twirl task. Keith & Whitney were really struggling and were trying to decide if they should switch tasks. They were last, and decided to switch tasks.

Shelley & Nici U-Turn Keith & Whitney. Noooo! They should have done Misti & Jim so they would have to use their Save.

After switching tasks, they find out they are are U-Turned, and finally in the dark, after trying for over 2 hours they complete the Twirl task. Such a bummer! I can't stand Shelley & Nici!

Pitstop #5:
1. Kym & Alli -- they win $5,000 each
2. Adam & Bethany
3. Tim & Te Jay
4. Shelley & Nici
5. Brooke & Robbie
6. Misti & Jim
7. Amy & Maya
8. Keith & Whitney -- eliminated

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