Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 29.3

After Tribal - Coyopa
Baylor realizes she's not safe in the game, and she's not going to trust Josh, or anyone else.

John asked who flipped, and Josh said "It was me." He realized that Jaclyn and Baylor were going to vote for Val. He thinks John had something to do with it.

Hunahpu Camp
They are working on making their shelter stronger due to storms that could be coming. They were weaving palm fronds and everyone was helping. Drew decided he didn't want to, and decided to take a nap. The rest of the tribe did not care for his attitude at all. Jeremy thinks that by day 20, he will be saying he wants to quit. Jeremy wanted to keep him around because people wouldn't give him the million dollars, but everyone is so over him that he doesn't think he'll be able to keep him around.

Reward Challenge Duel

Jeremy was very upset that Val was voted out. He said the guys are taking out all the strong girls. John apologized to Jeremy and he said he couldn't swing the alliance, as much as he tried. Josh is flabbergasted! He suspected John was working with Val, and that confirmed it.

Reward: comfort of pillows, blankets, etc. or what Hunahpu gave up last time, the fishing gear

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Coyopa wins, and they choose Wes, which means he will be going up against his dad Keith from Hunahpu.

Challenge: balance on a small, movable beam to transport pieces with a paddle from one end to the other. It's a close match-up and the are going back and forth tied the whole way. This is exciting! Can Wes finally get Coyopa's first victory? It's looking good as Keith dropped a piece and had to start over. And it's Wes for the win! That's a tough one, you want to root for the underdogs, but it's sad to see Keith lose. They had a very tearful, heartfelt moment at the sweet!

Wes chooses Josh to go to Exile with his dad. He said he clicks well with Josh and he hopes he will click well with his dad as well.

Coyopa chooses the fishing gear for their reward without hesitation.

On the way out, John whispers to Jeremy "I did everything I could brother, I swear to you." Jeremy isn't buying it because if he did do everything he could, she would still be there. And now, he says he's out to get John. Little does he's all his wife's own fault!

Hunahpu Camp
Jeremy comes back to camp fuming. He said they need to be going after John because he's obviously running the show. He told the group exactly who John is and what he said years ago. They said that they were trying to give Julie the benefit of the doubt, but it's obvious that she's just covering for him. Julie was upset because if they all believe Jeremy, that makes her a target.

Exile Island
Keith is there for the 2nd time. What a bummer...but maybe he'll end up with the clue. Keith ended up with the clue and he shared the info with Josh. He was upset that Val didn't share info with him the last time. Knowing that they had a clue, they wonder if John and/or Jeremy have an idol because of their time on Exile.

Keith and Josh got along really well, despite their completely opposite lifestyles. That's cool to see. Josh had such a positive outlook and said "how else can we learn or grow" than to spend time with people from all walks of life. Keith joked that there wasn't going to be any spooning going on. That Keith...always good for a soundbite.

Coyopa Camp
They are all feeling good after Wes's win. By getting fishing gear, they think they are going to be pretty strong going into the Immunity Challenge.

Baylor tries to get the younger guys to go against John to get him out. Alec recognizes that she's on the bottom and is doing anything she can to try to stick around. He's not sure they should go against the majority alliance of guys that they've built. I agree...way too early to start doing that. And who wouldn't want someone like John around to take the heat off of everyone else?

Immunity Challenge
The tribes pair up and are tied together. They have to go through obstacles against a pair from the other tribe and then shoot balls to make baskets. First one to 3 wins.

Keith and Dale sit out to even up the numbers.

Jon & Natalie (Hunahpu) vs. Josh & Baylor (Coyopa) -- Jon & Natalie win for Hunahpu
Missy & Julie (Hunahpu) vs. Wes & Alec (Coyopa) -- Wes & Alec win for Coyopa
Drew & Reed (Hunahpu) vs. John & Jaclyn (Coyopa) -- John & Jaclyn win for Coyopa
Jeremy & Kelly (Hunahpu) vs. Josh & Baylor (Coyopa) -- Jeremy & Kelly win for Hunahpu
Jon & Natalie (Hunahpu) vs. Wes & Alec (Coyopa) -- Jon & Natalie win for Hunahpu

Hunahpu wins their 3rd straight immunity. Again, it came down to the wire, and was so close!

Natalie opened her big mouth and told the other tribe to stand up to John. John told the "big mouth" to shut up. His tribe stood up for him and said he was a member of their tribe and they stand behind him. Julie was upset because they were judging him and they don't know him personally.

John said "If you were a man, I'd knock your teeth out." Natalie said "Knock me out, bro. I'm not scared of you like the other guys on your tribe." John said "Take all this stuff down and let's fight." Ha! I'd say, for being attacked and antagonized, he actually could have really lost it.

Josh is worried that when he does lose it like that, it jeopardizes the rest of the tribe and that's not good.

Pre-Tribal: Coyopa
John was offended that Natalie called him a homophobe. He said his closest ally is a gay man. He said he did regret the things he said back to Natalie.

John is going to vote for Baylor, and he thinks he can get the rest of the guys to do the same. John confessed to Josh that he had an idol. As sketchy as John has been, and what happened with Val, and now he has an idol that he will only use on himself...Josh is really not sure about working with him.

Josh approaches Wes about getting out John. He tells both Wes and Baylor that John has an idol. They said they can't let John have an inkling that he might be going, otherwise he'll play his idol.

Alec isn't so sure about voting out John because he's such a physical asset. Ah, the voice of reason! If they hope to win any immunities, I think they need him.

I gotta say, I never thought I'd root for Rocker, but I really want him to stick around! He makes things interesting.

Tribal Council
John tried to downplay being considered the leader by saying that there are several of them who have stepped up.

Jeff asked if another girl was going to be voted out again. Jaclyn said she thinks things are shifting and people might be voting differently...which means that one of the girls is NOT going home. John raises an eyebrow, and he looks a little concerned. That was exactly what she was not supposed to do. Jaclyn said the guys need to grow some balls and stop picking on her and Baylor.

The Votes
Is John going to play the idol or not...that is the question...

And the answer is...NO! He shifted all over the place like he was going to. I hope he knows what he's doing.


Oh my gosh! You idiot!!!!! #Blindside I can't believe he wasn't smart enough to sense what was going on and do something about it! Man, I'm actually bummed! It's always the worst when the idol is right there in their pocket. This so could have been avoided.

I think this might be the first time in Survivor history that someone from an opposing tribe actually persuaded the tribe to vote someone out. John has Natalie to thank for that one. She let fly like nothing we've seen before. But really, it is mostly his fault for publicly apologizing to Jeremy and giving his alliance a major cause to be concerned about his loyalty and trustworthiness. Again, he was actually trying to do a good thing, but in this game, that's not always the best thing. He had no reason to let Jeremy know what happened at this point in the game. They are on opposite tribes. It only would have mattered had they both made it to the merge. At that point, he could have pulled him aside and told him what happened. And then, well, there's the idol snafoo. He becomes the umpteenth person to be so cocky and sure of themselves and their alliance that he chooses to keep the idol in his pocket for another day...a day that now, will never come. Live and learn.

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