Monday, October 20, 2014

BBAU 11: Week 6 Recap

Week 6 in the BBAU House

Intruder Alert!
Out in the yard is Sleeping Beauty! No one knows what to do. Should they wake her up? Some said she was waiting for her true love's kiss. Leo gave it a try, and she smiled and then woke up. The mystery girl's name is Marina.

She's 30, and is a nurse. She lived in Kazakhstan for the first 10 years of her life. From 10-20 she lived in New Zealand, and from 20-30, she's lived in Adelaide, Australia. She has a boyfriend, whom she recently met before coming in the house. The strangest thing about her is that she brought 2 stuffed animal puppies with her that she kind of treated as her "real" puppies (at least in the Diary Room). That's just a bit weird.

New HOH: Skye
Skye chooses Priya and Jason to talk strategy with.
She chooses Aisha to spend the night with her in the Sanctuary.

Big Brother Radio

Just like last season, the housemates get to do a radio show. I enjoyed this last season, so let's see how well this group does. To pass the task: 1) they have to be engaging and be themselves, 2) adhere to broadcasting standards 3) no dead air. The "no dead air" is where last year's group failed.

Travis, Leo and Ryan are the first to give it a go on a show called "You've Got Male'.

Sandra had her own show and it was called "Fifty Shades of Sandra", which is right up her ally, as she is an erotic fiction writer. Big Brother told her she first needed to right a story. She proceeded to write the story and then read it with a very sexy and seductive voice.

Sam is the weatherman.

Skye and David talk about things in the Big Brother house, going through the alphabet a-z.

They PASSED their task! They earn their luxury budget for the week.

Double Eviction
This week, the person with the least number of votes will be evicted for real. Meanwhile, the person with the most votes to save will be fake evicted. The fake evictee will be taken to a secret location, where they will meet Ben from last season! Yay for Ben! Can't wait to see him again! If you remember last season, Ben was last season's fake evictee. He was so great in that role, and Big Brother gave him some great fun tasks and tricks to pull on the other housemates.

Sonia asks Ben who he would like to see fake evicted. He thinks Lawson would be fun because he likes magic. He said he'd like to smooth out the rough edges on Travis. He said it couldn't be Jason because there is no Big Brother uncut version...and besides, he (Jason) has a partner.

The first person to be "evicted" is Travis. Travis got the most votes and has been fake evicted. Aisha, of course, is devastated to see him go. No one can figure out how he ended up with the most votes to save. I think maybe when Ben said he would like him to be evicted so he could give him some pointers, maybe that swayed some people to vote for him? I assumed it would be Jason. How fun would that have been with him and Ben together?

The second person to be evicted, and evicted for real is Sam. Seriously, Sam?! What the heck?! He's such a good guy...he's done nothing wrong...why wouldn't people be voting to save him? He doesn't deserve to go home. The way the public is hating on Lawson right now for his taboo relationship with Cat, no one can figure out why he's not the one going home. The crowd booed when his name was called, suggesting the crowd really wanted it to be Lawson also. Sandra is a mess, and I think she's going to be a mess for awhile.

Travis 37%
Jason 18%
Priya 16%
Lawson 13%
Sandra 9%
Sam 7%

Sandra's Dilemma
Big Brother gives Sandra the option of returning Skye's makeup to her. Her other option is to have coffee in the house. She's a HUGE coffee drinker, so it wasn't hard for her to choose the coffee. She said Skye got herself in trouble in the first place. Then she had to tell the house what her options were and what she chose. Skye was fine with it. She said she's made it this long without her makeup.

Travis & Ben
Travis was taken to the Sanctuary, where Sonia gives him the good news that he is not evicted. He immediately asked if he could bring in Aisha with him. Ha! Sonia tells him the reason why he was picked was because he got the most votes to save.

Because the house thinks that Travis has been evicted, when they nominate, he will be immune. For the first time, he won't be nominated. But he does get to nominate!

Big Brother tells Travis that while he's in the Sanctuary, he will have time to reflect on why he's been nominated so many times. He also told him he wouldn't be alone...and in walks Ben! Travis said he was a little starstruck.

Ben's task is to transform Travis for when he re-enters the house. Ben said it sounded a bit like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy".

Ben brought something for Travis...a get-to-know-you present. It was "Devil Wears Prada" and he thought they could watch it together because it's one of his favorite movies. Travis said, what about "Gladiator", and Ben said they could watch that after. Ha! How cute!

Travis said he wants to have a wrestling match with Ben! Ben's terrified as Travis lunges at him. Next, Travis teaches Ben how to do a cartwheel.

Ben talks to Travis about how to dress, to have good posture, how to be kind, and they worked on his vocabulary.

Cat is going to start out on 1 point as a punishment for talking about nominations last week. Leo is now eligible to be nominated, and Marina being new, can't be nominated.

Travis - Sandra 3 pts and Jason 2 pts
Leo - Priya 3 pts and Sandra 2 pts
Cat - Ryan 3 pts and Leo 2 pts
Lawson - Aisha 3 pts and Priya 2 pts
Aisha - Cat 4 pts and Ryan 1 pt
Ryan - Priya 3 pts and Skye 2 pts
Sandra - Priya 3 pts and Aisha 2 pts
David - Jason 4 pts and Leo 1 pt
Priya - Ryan 3 pts and Sandra 2 pts
Jason - Sandra 3 pts and David 2 pts

Skye gets the same nomination Power Play as previous HOHs. When Big Brother told her she had the deadly dozen, she thought SHE was sitting on 12 pts! Ha! She asked how seeing where someone was sitting, how that would help her...she's so clueless. She wondered why she would want to see herself because she's sure she would be in the blue because she has the power this week. She quickly changed her mind, and saw that she was in the blue zone. Her first comment was that it was such a terrible photo of her. Ha! She next wants to see where Ryan was. She immediately started laughing, and I thought it was because he was in the 3rd position in the red, but nope, she said "look at his photo!" She asks to see David and she sees he's in the blue and "that's good, that's good"! She also asks to see where Sandra, Leo and Aisha are, and sees that Sandra and Aisha are in the red. Her first comment, other than "poor baby" for Aisha was "that's how you spell her name?"

She assumes that Aisha has 5 points, and she thinks if she gives David 6 points (which is all that she has left of the 12), that that will put him above her and knock her out. In actuality, she only has 3 points. She gives him 2 points, and it puts him just below the red line. She gives him 2 more and it puts him in the red and knocks Aisha out. For 1 point, she asks to see where Priya is and sees she's at the top of the list and she knows she can't save her. She stupidly asks to see where Jason is, and that uses up her last nomination point.

Priya 11 pts
Sandra 10 pts
Ryan 7 pts
David 6 pts
Jason 6 pts

Power Play
Skye is presented with a treasure chest with gold coins. There are 5 coins worth $1,000 each. Mixed in are coins that are filled with chocolate. She has 60 seconds to find as many real coins as possible. The catch is that Big Brother has a 60 second clip showing all of her nominations. If she plays, the house will get to watch the video. However long it takes her to find the coins, that's how much of the video the house will see.

She decides to look for the coins. She makes quick work and finds a couple right away. She tries to bend them to break them, and then starts dropping some of them. "Oh no my nail!" Out of the 60 seconds she was given, she took 54 seconds to find them all. That means the house will get to see 54 seconds of her nomination video, and she will receive $5,000. She was so excited and she started stuffing her face with the chocolate!

Based on the nominations they see Skye make, they think she is being way more strategic than she has been letting on, and she isn't as dumb as she makes everyone think that she is. So much drama came out of them seeing those nominations!

Letters to Home
They have reached the halfway point in the game, and as a result, Big Brother lets them write a letter to a loved one of their choice. They all had a lot to say, and they were really heartfelt.

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