Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 29.6

After Tribal - Coyopa
Dale is very upset that they targeted his daughter. He said he's not going to give up hope though. He knows he's next, so he is ready to do something drastic. He presents Jon with a fake idol. He said he's not going home because he has that.

Hunahpu Camp
They are all worried about what's going to happen since they don't have any food left. Jeremy doesn't think the situation is that bad, because they could win a food reward tomorrow and it would be fine.

Jeff shows up at their camp with a big bag of rice, and it's now time to chat about what they are going to have to do to get it. Jeff is so shocked that in 29 seasons, only once (in Season 2: Australia), that a tribe ran out of food, and they had other hardships to deal with that Season.

Jeff said no other tribe has been as bad off and in need of help as this tribe...and they're only 14 days in. First it was the flint...they lost the flint and had to trade for it. Now, they're out of rice and have to trade. Jeff wants: tarp, hammock, all comfort items that they won in the reward (pillows, blankets, etc.), hatchet, hammer, 1 pot, 1 flint...they are now starting over.

Reward Challenge

The reward is a barbecue.

The matchups will no longer be loved one vs loved one, so each tribe puts up whoever they want. Loser will still go to Exile Island. Reed goes for Hunahpu, Baylor goes for Coyopa.

The challenge is to go through an obstacle blindfolded and retrieve bags with puzzle pieces. While blindfolded they will complete the puzzle. There are some "dummy" pieces in there to throw them off. The podium where they get their bags has the completed puzzle that they will feel to know what they are putting together.

Baylor gets all of her pieces first, but Reed isn't too far behind. Reed gets 4 pieces, and Baylor has 1. It's Reed with another one, and another one. He's looking good, and Baylor is struggling. Go Reed! He takes out a piece and swaps it for another, and he's right! And...he breaks down in tears. Baylor cried for another reason. She feels like she let her tribe down.

Reed chooses Julie to go to Exile Island because he thinks she can handle it and she can show John just how strong she is. However, Natalie volunteers to go, so he said he wouldn't stop her. Natalie goes to Exile, and she doesn't get to share the reward...bummer.

Coyopa Camp
Jon tells Missy that Dale showed him his "immunity idol". He suggests that they use Dale to get Keith out.

Exile Island
Natalie is hoping that by her volunteering to go to Exile that when they merge, Baylor and Missy will want to keep her safe. Natalie trusts Missy, and if she can trust Missy, she can trust Baylor.

Baylor shared the idol clue with Natalie.

Hunahpu Camp
Jeremy sees Reed and Josh as a major threat because they are so open with their feelings, and are pretty much just hanging off each other. He said if Val was there, they would be so separate that you would think they didn't even like each other.

A storm rolls in, the temperature drops and they have basically nothing to protect themselves since they had to give up all their comfort. They are really struggling. Julie is struggling the most. She said if she got wet, it wouldn't be good. She was right. She's crying and she said she's at her breaking point. Jeremy is worried that if she goes home, he doesn't have the numbers.

Julie continues to be negative, but Jeremy keeps telling her to hang in there and that the rain will stop. He tells her he needs her and she says she's there to protect him, same as he is for her.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: climb a 10' wall, move a heavy wooden cube across the beach, get a couple bags off of a spiral coil. The bags have 8 pieces of a flag that need to be put in the right order to display a design.

Julie sits out for Hunahpu.

Hunahpu had the lead with the cubes. Jon got a good rhythm of getting the bags off, and Jeremy's bag got stuck for a very long time. Hunahpu is now way behind!

Coyopa is at the puzzle, while Hunahpu has one more bag to get.

Jon has 3 pieces together, while Josh and Reed look a little confused, but get their first 2 pieces up and then a 3rd.

Missy doesn't seem to be helping Jon at all. And now Hunahpu pulls ahead with 5 pieces to 3 for Coyopa.

Josh puts the last piece in, for a huge comeback! What happened Coyopa?! Come on!

Keith says the luxury of having an idol is that you can pull it out at any time. The problem is, you have to PLAY IT (hahem *cough* John *cough*).

Dale tells Jon that he doesn't want to have to play his idol. He tells Jon that he will give him the idol if he doesn't go home this Tribal Council. He thinks they should vote for Missy. Jon is very intrigued by this offer.

Jon tells Missy, Baylor and Jaclyn what Dale said. They said just to be safe, they should split the votes between Dale and Keith.

Jaclyn asked Jon if he for sure thought the idol was real, and he said he thought it was. At this point, it looks like they are going to align with Dale. He thinks that is their strongest move going into the merge to set themselves up as a power couple.

This Tribal Council is going to be good!

Tribal Council
I'm always amazed how much people talk at Tribal. I thought Jon was going to bring up Dale's idol for a second...boy would that be dumb.

Dale's eyes got HUGE when Baylor said that she was more loyal than Dale. What a crock!

I sure hope Keith plays his idol! Or maybe not...if it's a tie and Dale doesn't play his idol...they will all vote for him.

The Votes

Well, the fake idol wasn't really a factor, and Keith holds onto his for another few days.

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