Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 6.12

More of the Battles, Round 2

Team Adam
Adam didn't have any battles tonight

Team Blake

Biff vs. Sissaundra - James Brown "It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World"
Talk about 2 huge powerhouses! They both came out of the gates with their volume set on 15. It would have been nice if they had more than just one volume. They could have started out softly and worked up to the eardrum busting vocals. That said, their voices are undeniably good. They were both equal in every way. Sissaundra's last big note was epic! I gotta think there's gonna be a steal on this one.
WINNER: Sissaundra

Team Shakira

Ddendyl vs. Deja - A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera "Say Something"
I don't really care for Ddendyl's voice, but I'm a fan of Deja. Ddendyl sounds like a little baby when she sings. Deja just has such a beautiful voice. I got chills when they hit the big chorus. They blended really well, but Ddendyl's solo parts ruined the song for me. I thought the song ended really strangely, it was like there was supposed to be something else to resolve at the end and it just kind of abruptly stopped. I sure hope Deja wins this, and Shakira doesn't go for the odd voice of Ddendyl.

Emily B. vs. Kristen - Dixie Chicks "I Can Love You Better"
WINNER: Kristen

Team Usher

Stevie Jo vs. Morgan - One Direction "Story of My Life"
I like these two so much, I don't want either of them to go! I didn't remember that Morgan had so much rasp in his voice. I love Stevie Jo's tone. Morgan tends to be a little shaky and a little flat. Stevie Jo, on the other hand is right on pitch the entire time. Stevie Jo has a really nice range as well. Morgan really rocked the 2nd part of the song. Stevie Jo had amazing vibrato on his last solo parts. As they were going back and forth at the end, they both sounded amazing! Got chills! Stevie Jo did some really cool things vocally to change the song and it sounded really cool. I think I would have to give it to Stevie Jo on this one.
WINNER: Stevie Jo

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