Sunday, April 13, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 24.7

Leg 7: Sri Lanka -> Rome, Italy
Leo & Jamal lead it off

I'm shocked that the Cowboys immediately knew where the "eternal city" clue was without even asking. Meanwhile, Rachel shouts "Ethiopia, Africa!". Oh boy...I sure hope they ask someone.

It looks like all the teams are going to be on the same flight.

Seat placement was key on the plane. Several teams were in the back and got stuck, and couldn't get off the plane. John & Jessica, Brendon & Rachel, and Leo & Jamal all got off quickly, while the rest of the teams were stuck in the back of the plane.

Speed Bump
Caroline & Jennifer have to go to the Pantheon, get a typewriter, carry it to a building that looks like a typewriter, and place it on a pedestal.

Detour: Gladiator or Charioteer

In Gladiator, they have to learn a series of moves to fight a Gladiator. In Charioteer, they have to run a chariot by remote control, where one person controls the speed and the other one controls the turns.

John took martial arts, so the Gladiator task came pretty easy to him...except he couldn't remember to do the moves in the right order. Jessica actually did really good.

Brendon & Rachel chose to do the chariots. Because they were the first ones there, they were able to try a couple times to get used to the controls. They struggled and kept crashing or not completing 5 rounds fast enough.

Leo & Jamal started out on the chariots, but as other teams started arriving, they decided to switch because they didn't think they would be able to complete the 5 rounds with so many other teams running on the course. The longer Brendon & Rachel stayed, the more frustrated they got because it was just too hard to maneuver around all the other teams, keep up the speed and keep the chariots from flipping over.

FINALLY, Brendon & Rachel (after being first at the task), successfully make it round 5 times in just enough time (even though their driver was being drug behind the chariot.Jet & Cord (the last ones to arrive), finish next.

Leo & Jamal were totally loving playing the Gladiators, and they were really getting into their characters.

Road Block: Step Up and Be Counted
They have to count the steps and add it to the number of the year the obelisk was erected (which was listed in Roman numerals), and then convert it to Roman numerals. Yikes! That sounds so complicated.

If anyone can figure it out, it would be Brendon. He had a nice guy who helped him with the Roman numerals of the year, and then helped him convert his number back into Roman numerals. Brendon was smart and didn't count the first step (which was a sewer), in his total. Phil mentioned at the beginning that the teams should not count that. We can be guaranteed that at least one or more teams will count this and will have no clue why their numbers are wrong. I'm so glad Brendon got this on the first time. It's about time they have some good luck!

Poor John & Jessica were having trouble getting to the Road Block because their cab driver took them to the wrong place.

Caroline & Jennifer and Dave & Connor decided to work together, and without too much trouble had the right answer.

Flight Time shouts "does anyone know the number of steps?". Someone tells him 135, and he just takes that number to see if it's right. Obviously, he did not read the entire clue. Then he gets "136" and someone else says "138". He said he doesn't think he can figure it out because everyone is telling him different answers.'s a thought: walk up the steps and count them yourself like the other teams did!

Jamal asked Flight Time what he got, and they compared. Jamal said they had to use the date, and Flight Time looked completely lost. Jamal was right and they left the others in the dust. The Globe Trotters and John & Jessica were left. They all made a deal with the Afghanimals not to U-turn them if they would give them the answer. They asked if anyone else was still behind them, and they thought the Country Singers were. So, they decided to give them the answer. Little did they know, the girls came in in 2nd place already.

John forgot to get a postcard, so he had to waste time going back down to get it. In the meantime, the Globetrotters got the right answer and took off.

Leg 7: Standings
1. Brendon & Rachel
2. Caroline & Jennifer
3. Dave & Connor
4. Jet & Cord
5. Leo & Jamal
6. Flight Time & Big Easy
7. Jessica & John - ELIMINATED

The last 3 teams all were in a foot-race to the end, and were within seconds of each other. Bummer. If Jessica & John's cab driver hadn't been clueless, they probably wouldn't have been eliminated.

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