Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 6.14

The first episode of the Playoffs - The 5 members of each team will perform a song they choose, the coaches will then pick 3 of them to move on to the live shows.

Team Blake

This was a perfect song for her. I think she sounded amazing. She performs with a nice balance of country and pop and doesn't go too far into the country side which lets her show off her really big voice. Her last notes were really strong.

I am so impressed with his song choice. I absolutely love this song, and it's so not what we've seen from him before. I like that he kind of went away from the country stuff and took that into rock, while still keeping a little of the country in it. I think his voice is just a little too high and too nice for this song. He didn't quite rock it out like I would have liked to have heard this song done. It was still pretty good, and he sang it well, with some really big, long notes that were quite impressive. One thing I noticed at the end was that he seemed to be running out of air and he was cutting off the ends of the words.

She is just too cute! I think the song got a little too big for her. There were times that she was just too wimpy (for lack of a better word). She could have really pushed it, but she was just a little to nice about it. I don't know if it was the nerves getting the best of her, or if it was just the song choice or what. I've heard her better and I've seen her more confident than this. It was an OK performance, but she just didn't seem to be connecting with the song. It was kind of lazy. Adam said it perfectly when he said she needed to let go more and not be so worried about being perfect. It looked like she was thinking too much about hitting the exact perfect notes.

Oh man, he's back to the full-blown, cowboy hat style of country.  I hate this kind of country, and I did not like the song. If he's going to sing songs like this, he can't leave this competition soon enough. I will say that vocally, he sang it well, it's just not what I like to listen to. I don't see anything about him that sounds any different than any other male country singer. He just doesn't stand out as unique and he isn't overly impressive vocally.

I didn't care for this song at all, but she sang the crap out of it, just like she does everything. It took me forever to even figure out what song it was. It seemed to go on forever, and not in a good way. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an earthquake recorded during that song because she is so loud, I'm sure everything just shakes. And I also did not care for the weird run of notes she did at the end.

Blake's Top 3: Sissaundra, Audra, Jake

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