Monday, April 28, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 6.19 & 6.20

Can I just say that I LOVE RIXTON'S "ME AND MY BROKEN HEART"!!!! I have literally been obsessed with this song for weeks and I have it on repeat. I have to listen to it a couple times a day. (OK, maybe not that much, but when I hear it on the radio, I have to play it again and again on my phone...and watch and rewatch the video. Obsessed. OK, rant and embarrassing statement over. On to the show!

Kat (Team Adam)
"Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac
She sounds amazing. It was nice to see her do something that was a little more subdued. Her last notes were huge! She is so talented.
My Score: 9

Tess (Team Shakira)
"Ain't It Fun" by Paramore
This is kind of a different choice for her. Hopefully because it is a popular song right now, that will help her with the votes this week. I think she spent too much of the song in her lower register. I think overall that she gave a really strong performance.
My Score: 8

Audra (Team Blake)
"You Lie Here" by The Band Perry
That girl has some pipes! I think she gets stronger with every performance. She showed a lot of emotion and vulnerability in that song. It was really beautiful.
My Score: 9

Josh (Team Usher)
"This Is It" by Kenny Loggins
I am not digging this song at all. It was probably a good choice for his voice and his style, but I found it really boring. I think he's proven himself in previous weeks, so I think he'll be safe this week, but this was not one of my favorites at all. I hated the song. Vocally, he didn't miss a note, but I just couldn't get past the horrible song.
My Score: 7

Christina (Team Adam)

"Hold On, We're Going Home" by Drake
I like seeing her do songs like this. I think she excels at this more than her upbeat songs. She can tend to oversing and scream, so I was glad to see her do a slower song for a change. I think she sang it better than the original. I like this arrangement, and I think her voice has never sounded better. I hope she continues to do more songs like this in the future. She added her signature big notes at the end, and her signature move of bending down to the ground. Apparently she can't go one performance without doing it.
My Score: 8

Jake (Team Blake)
"Run" by George Strait
He sounds really flat, and more nasally than normal. It started to get better when he started going up the note scale. At least he sounds better than last week. Of course since it's country, I'm not a fan of the song. Vocally, he needs to work on his lower notes. He's not quite reaching them. When he goes up, the song gets better, but down low, it's pretty off. I think he's going to be the C.J. (from American Idol) of The Voice.
My Score: 6

Bria (Team Usher)
"I'm With You" by Avril Lavigne
I think this could be a good song for her. Avril is a rocker chick and so is Bria. Oh, I do not like when she sounds like she's sitting on a vibrator! I love her rocker voice, but I really wish she would stop the way overdone vibrato. She seems to be doing it more and more in every performance. If she keeps this up, she's going to be very annoying. The parts that weren't vibrating were really good.
My Score: 8

Delvin (Team Adam)
"Bright Lights" by Gary Clark, Jr.
This was a really strong performance by Delvin. Even though I didn't know the song, I actually kind of liked it. I enjoyed this performance more than some others he's done. His voice sounded amazing. He really rocked it out and showed his range. He is so talented.
My Score: 9

Kristen (Team Shakira)
"Let Her Go" by Passenger
I love this song, and I'm excited to hear her do something other than country. This was a really nice performance and probably her best so far.
My Score: 9

Sisaundra (Team Blake)
"Oh Sherrie" by Steve Perry
Wow Blake, I'm impressed. This is a real shocker of a song choice for anyone, let alone for Sisaundra. There's no question she has a huge voice, and this song really showed that off. I don't think there's anything that she can't sing. I thought she was going to hold that last note forever! That was ridiculous!
My Score: 9

The Results:

My 2 picks to go home: Jake and Kristen (again I'm going with 2 country artists)
I think will be going home: Bria and Tess

Bottom 3: Bria, Tess, Kat
No, no, no, no! I don't want any of these 3 to go! If I have to pick, I'd save Kat.

Bria picked "Crazy on You" by Heart. Another female, hard rock song. I think this was better suited for her than her song last night. I think she did a pretty good job with it. Still a lot of voice vibrating going on. If people are annoyed by that, she's going home.

Tess picked "Who Knew" by Pink. I don't know what's happened to Tess in the last couple of performances, both last week and this week. She lost all of the perfect pitch and confidence that she displayed in her battles. Granted, she lost those battles and was stolen, but she earned those steals because she was amazing. I just haven't heard that the last couple weeks. I think she's going home.

Kat picked "Paris (Ooh La La)" by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. I absolutely love this song. I think this was a great song for her. I really hope people vote for her! Wow, she sounded really awesome tonight! I think that was her best performance yet.

Instant Save: Kat

Going Home: Bria (Team Usher) and Tess (Team Shakira)

Boy, did I call that one or what?!

Note: Both Usher and Shakira now only have 1 singer left. Adam and Blake still have 3. That's really crazy!

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