Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.6

Earlier today, Spencer tweeted: "Tonight, in my honest superfan opinion, is one of the most exciting tribal councils in Survivor history". I can't wait to see what he meant by that!

After Tribal
Spencer thinks their group of 6 will run the game if they merge tomorrow. As a group, they decide who to pick off first when they merge. Trish's name was the first one mentioned. But like Kass said, it "sounds" like a good plan. And it only works if they no one flips. [this will be absolutely key later on]

Kass told Sarah she was worried about her or Jeremiah flipping. Sarah was offended and swore she was with them 100%. Sarah said that by Kass not trusting her, that that would make her want to think about flipping.

Solana Camp
Tony is just livin' it up and having so much fun. Maybe too much fun...he might be letting his guard down.

Treemail says to pack up their stuff...the merge is coming!

LJ and Tony secretly go and dig up their idols before they head off for the merge.

Merge! New Tribe: Solarrion

Solana comes by boat to the Aparri camp. They brought all their belongings and a lot of food. For some they were reuniting with old tribemates and some were meeting for the first time.

The clue they read mentioned about a hidden immunity idol that had "special powers". What?! Hmmm...interesting.

Tony knows his tribe is done unless Sarah flips. Finally, he realized the math, and that his "final 5" was less than the other tribe's 6.

Trish leads part of the group in an annoying yoga lesson. Listening to her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and I would not feel very zen having to listen to her.

Tony is ready to go to work on Sarah to bring her back to their side. He's ready to promise her everything to get her to see that it's a no-brainer for her to come back to their side. Tony wanted her to swear on her badge that she would vote out either Kass or Spencer. She told him she wasn't ready to do that yet. She is absolutely smack dab in the middle of both sides right now. Sarah tells Kass and Spencer that LJ doesn't have an idol (how the heck does she know that?) Jeremiah thinks LJ has it. Sarah says they need to get someone strong out, either LJ or Woo. Kass still thinks it should be Trish, and Sarah thinks that's the dumbest idea ever. She thinks going with Trish would be fatal for them? Really? I don't think so. Sarah gets upset that they don't want to do what she wants, and she said if they're going to not agree with her, then she'll just go with the other side. Kass is very skeptical of Sarah, and doesn't think she is with them 100%, and that would be 100% accurate, from what I can tell.

Trish hears Kass and Sarah fighting and she thinks this is great for her. Tasha tried to diffuse the situation and keep their alliance from cracking. Kass got annoyed and thought that Tasha was taking Sarah's side and she thought she should be taking her side since they have been in an alliance from the beginning. Then the fight progressed into "I don't think Kass likes me" and "you think I'm being a bully?" Oh dear...I thought with J'Tia gone, the drama was gone too. Apparently not.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: standing on pyramids in the water, with very little footholds. How much do you want to bet a girl with little feet wins?

I have a really bad feeling that LJ is going to fall first. He's a big guy, and there's no way his feet are going to hold him. He's already hunched over in a very bad position, and there's pain written all over his face.

Everyone makes it passed the first round, and up to the 2nd rung. As bad as LJ looked, they all make it to the 3rd level. Tony got pushed by a little bit of wind and he almost fell before time was called.

The top level was very tough and people were falling left and right, like they were on a ship that was sinking. Jeff called for them to be in position and remove their hands, and as he was counting down to 1 Spencer fell. And then like dominoes, Kass, LJ, Sarah, Jefra, Tasha, Trish, and Jeremiah all went down! All in a span of like 10 seconds! That transition and then the wind factor, really did them in.

Final 3: Morgan, Tony and Woo

Wind takes Morgan down! Tony almost goes down! Woo is a surfer and he's riding that wind like a pro. Tony saves himself again! And finally, Tony goes down, and its Woo for the win! Woohoo!

Before Tribal
The Aparri alliance is thinking about voting for Jefra. Sarah disagrees and thinks it should be Tony or LJ.

Trish, Tony and Woo see them all talking out in the water and they can tell that Sarah is calling all the shots with their group.

Trish said she thinks she can talk to Kass. They think maybe they can get her to flip since she was fighting with Sarah.

Kass is just annoyed to no end that Sarah comes in and thinks she can come in and run the show. She threatens that Choas Kass was going to show up at Tribal.

Tony makes a good point with Sarah and said that if she goes with them this vote, that gives them 6 and Tony's side 4. At that point, they can get rid of her and they don't need her any more. At least on Tony's side, she has her old alliance with him and Woo, and they could make it to the finals.

Sarah is so dumb...she's telling both sides that she is not going to make her decision until tribal. Neither side trusts her. Wouldn't it be funny if both sides just decided to unanimously vote her out? Ha!

Trish tells Kass that they might vote out Sarah. Oh man, what did I say?! Kass decides she is going to flip because the other tribe is smarter than her tribe, who was willing to just do what Sarah wanted. So now SHE's the one in the middle calling the shots!

Tribal Council
Jeff asks about hidden idols and how they come in to play at this point. LJ said maybe there are no idols since none have been played. Tony just blurts out that there are idols and that he has an idol and he's going to use it "for my tribe". Someone tells him to pull it out so they can see it. Whoa, what just happened? He says it's a "community idol". He loves that people are shocked. All of a sudden, Tasha and Spencer are whispering "vote for the other one". Yikes! Who do they mean?

The Votes:
Tony asks Jeff to validate his idol, and he chooses to give it to LJ! And remember, LJ has his own hidden idol! lol!!! Tony says he thinks he read the other alliance and can't wait to see if he read them correctly. Jeff loves how the votes are changing right in front of him. He asks if they should just vote, and they all say "yes". Tony said that's what they've all been waiting for.

Jeff is about to read the votes, and LJ says "wait". He wants to repay Tony, and he gives his idol to Tony! Tony is shocked and can't stop laughing. Someone (I think it was Tasha) said "I hate you guys".


O.M.G.! Poor Jefra was looking so worried, and she had tears in her eyes as the votes were being read. Her name was the first one read, and immediately she was worried. Spencer and Tasha seemed pretty proud of themselves because they just proved that Tony didn't read what they were going to do. Sarah didn't show much emotion, I think she was so in shock as her name was being read. The more times Sarah's name was read, the more mad her face got.

When that last vote was read, the shock on the faces of Sarah, Spencer and Tasha were epic! Tony clapped his hands really loudly and Jefra threw her arms in the air in celebration. Immediately, and I mean immediately, after Sarah's torch was snuffed, Spencer, Tasha and Morgan looked right at Kass and said "Kass?". They knew right away that it was her who flipped. Jefra whispers loudly to Kass "thank you". Tony adds, "that's right Kass; we lost 2 immunity idols, but we'll get them back again." haha! Well, if they didn't know who it was before, they sure know now. Spencer was ticked and he said "Zero chance of winning the game?" And Kass replied "there's a long way to go."

Wow, that was just epic! Spencer wasn't kidding! After all that craziness, now both LJ and Tony have used their idols, and they wouldn't have had to (especially LJ, using it on Tony). I wish LJ would have kept his for himself, but it does look really good that he repaid the favor to Tony. However, I'm glad that they weren't afraid to use it when they thought they needed it. I honestly thought Tony would have such a big head, that he would never see it coming if he was a target, and he would leave with it in his pocket. Looks like he might be smarter than we're giving him credit for?

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