Sunday, April 20, 2014

Amazing Race, Ep. 24.8

Leg 8: Rome, Italy
Brendon & Rachel lead it off.

There is a U-Turn in play, and Brendon & Rachel want to use it on the Cowboys so that might force them to use their Express Pass. But...the Cowboys said that this is the last leg that they can use their Express Pass, so it looks like they would probably want to use it any way.

Caroline & Jennifer and Dave & Connor continue to work together. The girls pick up tickets for the guys since they left just a little ahead of them. Dave was driving and lost the girls. He didn't do it on purpose, but the girls thought he did.

Detour: Donkey Run or Donkey Build
In Donkey Run, they have to ride a donkey around a ring 3 times before the band stops playing. In Donkey Build, they have to assemble a donkey.

Brendon & Rachel were going to build a donkey, but ended up at the Donkey Run instead, so they decided to do that. They tried to find fast donkeys, but Rachel's was too fast (thinking that the fastest donkeys were the ones who pooped)...she totally got dumped! Brendon fell off trying to slow down to help her. Dave & Connor asked where they got their hats, and Brendon & Rachel didn't answer. I was worried that Brendon & Rachel were going to have problems, but once Rachel laid down on her donkey, they were able to finish pretty quickly. After 4 attempts, Dave & Connor finish. In the meantime, the girls still haven't arrived and Dave feels bad.

Jet & Cord decide to use their Express Pass.

Double U-Turn

Brendon & Rachel arrive first and decide to U-Turn Dave & Connor because they were right behind them. Rachel questioned that decision, but Brendon thought Dave & Connor were the better choice. He said that had Dave & Connor been ahead of them, they would have U-Turned them.

Dave & Connor weren't going to U-Turn anyone, until they saw they were U-Turned. It pretty much left them with no other choice. They choose to U-Turn the seemingly permanent U-Turnees--Leo & Jamal. Dave & Connor were REALLY mad at Brendon & Rachel. I'm not sure why they all thought it was stupid for Brendon & Rachel to U-Turn Dave & Connor.'s a race!

Rather than be too upset, Leo & Jamal decided to work with Dave & Connor so they could quickly build the donkey. They are both having trouble getting the donkey right. Leo & Jamal decide to go do the Donkey Ride first, and Dave & Connor agree to tell them how to do the Donkey Build when they get back. But what if they get done before Leo & Jamal get back? Are they really going to wait for them?

Finally, they realize they need the basket on the top. Duh! Dave & Connor finish first and agree to come back and help the girls. This is really going to end up costing them in the end if they keep being so nice and helping so many people. On their way out, they shouted to them that they needed the basket on top. Apparently, the 2 tasks were really close together. Unfortunately, Leo & Jamal had some stubborn donkeys, but they end up getting it in 2 attempts.

I'm a little surprised that Dave is being so negative and saying such nasty things about Rachel. I know it's not fun to be U-Turned, but it's a game. Just because you're old doesn't mean you should get any special treatment. He may be 60, but they are true threats in the race, so they should see it as a compliment. (OK, weird moment...Cord just tells Dave that they should see it as a compliment because they see them as a threat! See...what did I say?!)

Last to show up are Flight Time & Big Easy. They get on the donkeys and try once, then decide to switch donkeys. Flight Time was having trouble getting his donkey to move. He looked hilarious swinging his legs, and nothing was happening. They decide to switch to the other detour.

Flight Time & Big Easy also get stuck with not putting the basket on top. They tried dancing and looking good with the donkey hoping the guy would tell them it's OK. They give up again, and decide to go back to the Donkey Ride task. Flight Time fell off at the end, but was apparently across the line, and Big Easy makes it across too!

Roadblock: The Write Stuff
Task: Copy a page of manuscript exactly.

Rachel chose to do the task. She was excited because she did calligraphy as a child, and she's also an artist.

Jet & Cord show up and have some fun with the monks. They're hilarious! Jet decided to start over because his writing was too big to fit.

Rachel thought she had it, but they told her that her writing was too fat. She got frustrated, but Brendon was giving her encouragement.

Dave & Connor arrive and argue over who should do the task. Connor thought Dave should do it, but he said he had no artistic ability. Brendon apologized to Dave and said it wasn't anything personal, but Dave didn't want to hear it. Connor ends up doing the task, but he is frustrated because he doesn't have great handwriting to begin with. He tells his dad that he doesn't think he will ever get it, and thinks they might be further ahead to take a penalty.

Leo also felt pretty confident because his mom made him copy books when he was a kid. Seriously? Who does that?! He gets it pretty quickly. To repay the favor of how Dave & Connor helped them, they decided to wait to see if Connor needed any help. That was so nice! Luckily, Connor's passes, so they aren't there waiting too long.

Flight Time said he was going to get his "Leonardo DiCaprio on"! Then he said "Leonardo Da Vinci?" Oh my!

Leg 8 Standings
1. Brendon & Rachel
2. Jet & Cord
3. Leo & Jamal
4. Dave & Connor
5. Caroline & Jennifer
6. Flight Time & Big Easy -- ELIMINATED

I'm sad to see them go...they are so funny and so much fun to watch. They must have been really far behind because it was dark when they arrived to the mat.

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