Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.8

After Tribal
Tony calls Spencer out for trying to get him voted out. Tony said Morgan got voted out because she wasn't worthy of being there. He didn't understand why he, a balding 40-year-old is seen as a threat, when Woo is younger and more athletic. Even though his alliance has 6 going against the alliance of 3 sitting ducks, he knows that he could still be going next.

LJ and Trish notice how paranoid Tony has become and how he's really scrambling around erratically. Trish hopes that he can be patient and doesn't do anything stupid.

Tony sees LJ as a threat, but he's also a key member of his alliance. He is hoping to get LJ into a position where he has to lie or break a promise to another member of the alliance...basically because he doesn't want to have to make the move. He told LJ that Woo could have an idol and that makes him a threat. He is planting the seed and is hoping that it will turn everyone against LJ. I guess if LJ would start talking about going after Woo that would make everyone else mad. He's just stirring up trouble.

Reward Challenge
They break into 3 teams:
Orange--Jefra, Trish, LJ
Purple--Kass, Tasha, Woo
Green: Jeremiah, Tony, Spencer

Reward: spa day

Jeremiah puts his team in the lead. LJ is next. Woo finally got his sand bags released. Jeremiah continued to do well throwing his sandbags, but LJ was even better and didn't miss one.

Tony pulled his team ahead by getting his sandbags bounced into the basket one after another. And it's Green team for the win!

Tony knew going into the reward that often at rewards people make bonds because they have time away from the rest of the tribe at camp. He said he's going to talk to Jeremiah and Spencer about blindsiding LJ. Nooooooo! Not liking Tony right now!

Solarrion Camp

Woo was disappointed that he couldn't get a mani-pedi. Haha! On a lighter note, he's glad that Tony can keep an eye on Jeremiah and Spencer and make sure they don't do anything to spoil their gameplan.

Jefra talks about how important it is for them to stay a strong 6. LJ and Trish talked about how paranoid Tony is and how he talked about wanting to take out Woo because of him possibly having the idol. They said they need to calm him down. Trish knows she can talk to Tony and get him off of that idea because it's not a smart idea to take out someone in their own alliance before one of the other 3.

Tasha approaches LJ to see if he would be willing to consider talking to him. LJ knew that he couldn't talk to her with Tony around because he's so paranoid. He didn't think she could offer him anything. She thought she could persuade him to go after Tony because there is no way Tony would take another strong guy to the end. Tasha went to their rendezvous spot, but LJ stood her up. She said LJ could easily get the numbers and take out Tony. He might have just blown it because Tony is all gung-ho to take out LJ if he doesn't win immunity.

At the Reward
Tony says that he can guarantee that he has Jeremiah and Spencer's back if they say they will work with him. Spencer said he doesn't trust Tony because he talks to a lot of people. Jeremiah was a little more inclined to believe what he was saying.

Immunity Challenge
Memory: Jeff shows a series of colored tiles and they have to repeat it

Trish is out first (wow that was pathetic)
Woo is out second
Jeremiah, Spencer, Jefra and Kass all got out on the same color

LJ, Tasha and Tony all pick a different color...Tasha was right and she wins immunity. Oh no! LJ was sure he had it right (as was Tony). Man, LJ really needed that.

Before Tribal
LJ just said the words of death "for the first time in the game, I feel safe". NOOOOOOOO! LJ, that's when you should feel the most worried.

Tony is ready to pin all of the scheming going on around camp on LJ. LJ did said he would be willing to go after Woo. Tony tells Woo that LJ is coming after him and wants to blindside him. That upsets Woo and he agrees with Tony that they need to blindside LJ before LJ blindsides them.

Tony tells Spencer that LJ is plotting to take out Woo and he wants him and Jeremiah to make sure to vote for LJ. Spencer thinks it could be a lie and isn't sure he wants to really believe that Tony is going to leave the smaller alliance of 3 alone and go after one of his own. Spencer thinks Tony might just be saying that so that if he has an idol, it might have to be played. Spencer and Jeremiah are on the same page to let the bigger alliance kill each other.

Tony and Trish talk and Tony says that LJ brought up about getting Woo out. She said, no, LJ said that Tony was the one who brought it up. He tried to convince her that LJ was the wishy-washy one who was flipping. She now doesn't know who to believe. Trish still wants to stick with their final 6. Tony says she doesn't see that LJ is being sneaky. She really doesn't want to break up the 6, so I hope that's the way it stays. Even Kass, who loves the blindside, thinks it would be stupid for someone to try to make a big move right now.

As much as I don't want LJ to go, it sounds like the only other 2 names being thrown around are Spencer and Jeremiah. I don't want them to go either! Oh dear...this isn't going to end well for me.

Tribal Council
Jeff asks about trust. He asks several people what they do for a living and if trust is important. Tony was one of those, and he lied and said he was in construction. Sarah immediately rolled her eyes.

The Votes:

OUCH! That was painful! Those girls on the jury were majorly shocked. LJ was just about as shocked as Sarah was. I don't think he fully comprehended that his name had been called that many times. I can't believe they actually went through with it. LJ was just too trusting. I bet he's wishing he hadn't have used that idol to save Tony :(

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