Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.9

After Tribal
Jefra asked who flipped and they found out it was Tony and Woo. Trish said she wished she knew ahead of time, but she realized that he had to do it and she still trusts him. Jefra is worried that because she didn't know, that means that she was on the bottom of the 6-person alliance. Spencer knows that Tony is a loose cannon and they have to get him out sooner rather than later.

Solarrion Camp
Tony knows he now has a target on his back for back-stabbing LJ. So now, he is in full-freakout mode. He is working on the blueprint for his 2nd "spyshack". He built this one next to the water because he knows everyone gossips at the water. His first victims were Jefra and Trish. They were talking about how Tony could win an award for his acting. He doesn't trust Jefra because she doesn't trust him. He said the only people he trusts are Trish, Woo and Kass.

Reward Challenge
2 teams of 4 collect paddles in the water; 2 team members will arrange the paddles to spell out a word. Winners get a nice food reward.

Orange: Kass, Trish, Tony, Woo
Purple: Tasha, Spencer, Jeremiah, Jefra

Let's see if these teams are better at rowing than the Favorites from last season!

Jeremiah has to throw Jefra into the canoe! Tasha gets the first paddle for purple, and Woo and Tony get #2, as they pull ahead. Tony just lost a paddle! He had to get in the water and go after the paddle. He told them to go, but Jeff said he had to be in the boat to finish. Despite the goof, the 2 teams are still neck-and-neck.

Purple just paddled past their next box and have to come back. Orange makes it to the beach first, but purple is right there with them.

Spencer and Tasha work on the phrase for purple. Kass and Woo work on it for orange. Tony is spying on the other team again.

Spencer thinks he knows what it is and they change their strategy. Tony tells at Kass and she thinks she's right. It doesn't matter because Spencer was right and purple wins! Tony was all like "I told you so."

I bet the orange team is wishing they wouldn't have voted out LJ, the puzzle master.

Solarrion Camp

Woo is bitter about losing, and they are all worried about Jeremiah, Spencer and Tasha getting Jefra to side with them. They all know that she now feels like she is on the bottom.

Tony wanted to talk strategy and Trish is just excited about some papayas she found. She recruited Woo to come help her and climb the trees. Tony decided he would use this time to go look for the idol with special powers since no one wanted to talk to him. Smart move Tony. Trish and Woo are idiots. And then...Woo shakes himself right out of the tree. He was holding onto a dead branch, and it snapped. Luckily, he shook it off and let out a "wooooo, I got a charlie horse". Haha! He is so funny! He said he would break his ass for a papaya any day. Oh's that kind of attitude that could lead him to be totally bamboozled and voted out.

They got to share a meal in a really cool cave.

Immediately, the 3 talk to Jefra to find out where she is with her alliance right now. Tasha said it's in no one's best interest to keep Tony around. Spencer point blank asked her if she wanted to work with them. She said she'd need another rib to think about it.

Another bonus of their reward was letters from home.

Jefra was refreshed, and they all shook on a final-4 deal. I really like this 4...but I kinda wish Woo was in on it too.

Immunity Challenge
Stand on a narrow beam while balancing a ball on a tiny pole with a platform. The beam is slanted and they will have to move down the beam, which will make it harder to balance. This one is going to be hard! Malcolm would be out in no time!

Kass bobbles, but she recovers. Jefra is the first to drop hers. Trish goes, then Tony, then Kass.

The remaining people all look pretty solid.

Woo, Jeremiah, Tasha and Spencer all move on to the next round where they get to reset.

Tasha was the first to really wobble, but then it's Jeremiah who goes out. Come on Jeremiah! I'd like to see him win one. I'm really impressed with Spencer. He has proven to be good at just about every type of challenge. The 3 who are left have all won individual immunity before.

Woo, Tasha and Spencer all move onto the 3rd round. I didn't realize that they also have to move their hands down on the pole, which really made it so difficult to balance. The beam they are standing on also got more narrow.

Woo tried to pull a very acrobatic move to keep the ball on the platform and his one foot on the beam. It didn't work, and he's out. That leaves Tasha vs. Spencer, round #2. The wind causes Spencer's ball to roll off, and for the 2nd week in a row, it's Tasha with immunity.

Before Tribal
The most important person in the game to get out is Tony. Tasha is pretty sure she, Spencer and Jefra are on-board to vote out Tony. Tasha is only worried about it being a tie.

Tony is totally freaking out, and he knows his only chance is to find the immunity idol.

Trish and Kass talk to Jefra, and she doesn't do much to hide the fact that she doesn't feel like she is with them any more. She really should be trying to convince them that she is still with them, if they hope to blindside Tony.

Meanwhile, Tony is digging and digging...and as he's talking about it, he's getting so excited. He found it! It's the special idol. Tony is now safe, and something really bad is bound to happen to someone I like. Eek! I still have to laugh because I love how giddy Tony gets when he finds things. I remember how excited he was when he found his first idol. Oh man...just when you think you know what's going to happen, someone goes and messes it all up!

Trish called out Tony for being a double agent in front of Jefra to prove her loyalty. She really thinks that Jefra will stick with them now.

I can't believe it, Jefra actually goes to Jeremiah and apologizes to him, but she isn't going to be voting with them.

Jeremiah, Spencer and Tasha are in the water talking about what to do now that it's probably going to be one of them going home. Jeremiah (for some reason) decides to "come clean" and tell them that he is a fashion model. Not sure what that has to do with anything. Then Spencer, says he has something to say too. Jeremiah asks him if he has the idol, and he said he found it about a week ago. Now, they are thinking of voting out Woo, because they are worried about Tony having an idol. Spencer said he could use his idol for himself or for Jeremiah.

Tribal Council
Talk centered around Jefra's decision to stick with her alliance or switch sides. Spencer was frustrated because he didn't see why she would want to be on the bottom of their alliance. He called Tony out for breaking promises. Tony said he didn't break a promise, he did it for a reason. That doesn't even make sense. Spencer and Tasha both said that if Tony makes it to the end, they will be voting for him because of how he is playing.

Trish said she called Tony out about his "double agent play", and he said he was going to stop doing that. Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.

Jeff asks Woo how they will make their decision between voting for Spencer or Jeremiah. He said they are going with who they think might have the hidden immunity idol, because that's the biggest threat. Jeremiah said that he is not a threat. Spencer said that Jeremiah is one of the nicest people he's ever met, so that makes him a social threat.

Tasha said they went with Tony last time, and they picked someone else this time. Tony said he brought his bag of tricks with him this time. Spencer said he didn't think he would play anything out of his bag of tricks.

Side note: what the heck is going on with Woo's hair?

The Vote:
Spencer decides to play his idol! And he calls out Woo in the process saying "you can steal as many clues as you want to Woo, I have the real thing!" Aw snap! Morgan did a little clap when he walked it to Jeff.

Tony then calls out Spencer for being young and inexperience because he almost playing the idol for "Jeremy". Ha! I love who the jury whispered "Who's Jeremy?" Then he says, oh, and this was a fake idol by the way (as he pulled something out of his bag and put it back in). Wow, he's really thinking. Who's going to think he has a real idol, after he's shown a fake idol?


Woo was pretty shocked and worried to see his name called at the beginning.

So, Woo did a pretty good job of throwing suspicion onto Spencer as having the idol and being their target. Too bad Spencer didn't catch on and give it to Jeremiah. Now, he's out an idol and he played it for no reason.

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