Monday, April 14, 2014

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 18.5

Theme: Disney Night!
Guest Judge: Donny Osmond

Drew & Cheryl - Quickstep
Theme: Aladdin
They are dancing with the Genie! How cool! Cheryl makes a really good Jasmine. Drew did a great job with the theatrics and his face always says 1000 words. It was a fun routine, and he did it really well!
Scores: 28

Charlie & Sharna - Jazz
Theme: Mary Poppins
They weren't quite in sync right at the start. It did get better, and there was so much going on! They had the canes and umbrellas to work with which made the dancing even that much more crazy. Charlie dropped the cane once, but got right back into it and didn't really miss a beat. It looked like they popped right out of the movie, it was incredible! That was a tough routine, with a lot of very quick steps!
Scores: 37 (10 from Len, and Len's first 10 of the season)

Danica & Val - Quickstep
Theme: Beauty & The Beast
I love the candles on the floor at the beginning! I will never understand how they can make it come to life like that with just lights! Danica looks gorgeous, and Val is certainly no beast! She did a great job. There was one little part at the end where it looked like she lost her place a little bit and didn't get her hands going at the same time Val did. Other than that, it was beautiful.
Score: 39 (10s from Carrie Ann, Donny and Bruno)

Amy & Derek - Waltz

Theme: Cinderella
Derek is SO the PERFECT Prince Charming! She is a gorgeous Cinderella. Watching her video fro practice was so sad! She was getting so frustrated because her legs just wouldn't do what she knew they were supposed to. As much as she struggled to learn the dance, you would never know it in their dance. It was so elegant and beautiful! And there's a first in the ballroom! Carrie Ann saw lifts and she isn't going to take a point off because she knows they did it to make up for some of the things she couldn't do.
Score: 37 (10 from Donny)

Cody & Witney - Samba
Theme: The Lion King
I can't get over his weird droopy pants! What is it with him and the droopy pants! Other than that, we got pure Cody with lots of swagger and cool moves. I love watching him every week and can't wait to see what neat things he adds to each dance. If you couldn't see his face, you would absolutely know it was him dancing.
Score: 34

NeNe & Tony - Foxtrot
Theme: 101 Dalmations
I wondered what character she would play, and Cruella De Vil is perfect for her. I didn't really care for this dance. She tried to have fun with it, but I think they could have done a little more with it. I did like the end with her fake kicking Tony from the judges' table. I think she did a pretty good job. I don't think the choreography was super difficult though.
Score: 36

James & Peta - Contemporary
Theme: Frozen
Yuck! I was so hoping for a better theme for James! And I'm so sick of this song! But, any time I can watch James dance is good enough for me. He did a great job with getting the feeling of the contemporary piece. I loved the lifts, and his leaps are incredible. He's the best jumper! I loved the last lift. The whole dance was so beautiful! I knew he was going to be good, because he's perfect in every style. But I was so impressed with his emotion.
Score: 40 (first perfect score!)

Meryl & Maks - Samba
Theme: The Jungle Book
Maks is shirtless! Whoo! And I don't think I've ever seen him without any gel in his hair! I kind of like it! I am in love with their friendship and chemistry. I never in a million years thought they would get along...they are so different! Maks is not only a different dancer this season, but he's a different person! He has fully admitted that it's all because of Meryl. That's pretty powerful. Onto the dance--it was hilarious, and brilliant and just pure entertainment. I LOVED it!
Score: 36

Candace & Mark - Samba
Theme: The Little Mermaid
Oh my...Mark is the lobster and he's got lobster claws! She really pulls off Ariel very well. This was always one of my favorite Disney songs growing up. It works really well as a Samba. She really let loose and left it all hanging out this week! She's still not quite up to the level as some of the other dancers, and the judges are probably going to be critical again. But that said, she is still very's just that this season, the caliber of dancers is just ridiculously high.
Score: 35

The Results:

In Jeopardy: Nene & Tony, Cody & Witney, and Candace & Mark (not necessarily the bottom 3)

Going Home: Cody & Witney

Gotta say, I'm super bummed! I had a feeling he could be in trouble because he's not very well-known in the States, and it's Witney's first time as a pro. I truly loved seeing him being so involved with the choreography, and making the dances so innovative and hip. I don't think anyone has ever done quite what he did.

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