Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.7

After Tribal
Spencer congratulated the other alliance for making a nice move. He said he wasn't mad, but he told Kass she made a bad move. Kass told her new alliance that she hopes they look out for her. I love that Spencer was saying how embarrassing it was for her to be talking about strategy. From what I've read from former Survivors, there is not one person who thinks what Kass did was a good idea or strategic in any way.

Kass is whining about Morgan being rude to her. Kass likes to talk down on drama, but she whines and gossips just as much as everyone else! Morgan thinks Kass needs to go, and she thinks she's just a bitter old lady. Ha!

Reward Challenge
2 teams race through obstacles in the water. They drag a chest to the top of a large tower, where a puzzle will be completed. Reward: Outback Steakhouse food, margaritas and desserts

Orange: Jeremiah, Morgan, LJ, Jefra, Spencer
Purple: Tony, Trish, Tasha, Woo, Kass

Woo falls off the balance beam! What?! He's known for his balance...what happened? He was the only one from either team to fall. That holds up the rest of the team because they can't go until he gets across.  But he made up a ton of time by flying up the wall!

LJ and Spencer on the puzzle for Orange and Kass and Woo on the puzzle for Purple.

LJ and Spencer were flying! Woo and Kass started getting frustrated, and their pieces just weren't going together. And it's Orange for the win! Again, LJ is on the winning side of a puzzle...he is just dominating!

Solarrion Camp

The Purple group talk back at camp, and Kass wonders if she's really in their alliance. Tony is prepared for the worst (if she would flip again).

Tony starts looking for the idol that has the special powers.

At the reward, Spencer sees a piece of paper in the food, and he thinks it's a clue to the idol. Good job Spencer! He was able to hide it before anyone can see him. Back at their camp, it's pouring down rain and he's trying to keep the clue dry so he'll be able to read it. He snuck away, read the clue, and took off to search.

Woo was suspicious because he knows Suvivor, and he knows those rewards usually come with a clue. He saw Spencer take off, so he snuck behind him very quietly and went into "stealth mode" to follow him to see where he went. He was quick and silent like a ninja!

Spencer stripped down and put his clue neatly in between the folds of his pants (not in the pockets; this is important). He proceeded to look around in the water. Hiding in the brush nearby, Woo came up and they talked a little bit, and he went over to his clothes, picked it up, and the clue dropped out! Woo picks it up and takes off running with it, with Spencer trying to chase him! This is so crazy! This has never happened on Survivor before! There was no catching up to Woo, he was like a lightning bolt! And Spencer was furious!

The race is truly on now! Both alliances are scrambling to be the first to find the idol. Tony says he thinks he knows right where to go, and he's off! Tony said you know it's serious when Morgan, who normally doesn't move, is out looking for the idol. Everyone is scurrying everywhere. Digging, running, searching, it's like a mad Easter Egg hunt!

Kass told Spencer it was Karma for what happened last night and the way he talked to her. Spencer sees the idol...he has his hand on it...he just has to wait for her to move away. He was acting like he didn't find. He found it right in front of her and she had no idea! Upon finding the idol, it says that it must be played after the votes are read.

Immunity Challenge
This is a tough one. They have to stand on a tiny board that forced them to almost stand on their tip-toes, while balancing a block on their heads.

Yes! Kass didn't even last a couple seconds! Jeremiah is out, followed by Trish. Tony's goes next. Everyone else looks pretty solid. After 25 minutes, there are 6 left. Spencer looked like he was going, but he made a nice recovery. Morgan dropped and was in a lot of pain. Woo couldn't hold it any longer. Nooo!

Jefra fought and fought, but her block fell. She fell off the board and was so stiff she could barely move! I'm so impressed that LJ is still up there. Tasha shifted her weight and I saw LJ's eyes look over to her. Seconds later, his falls. I knew it! You can't let anyone distract you! That's like mind-over-matter rule #1!

After more than an hour and 30 minutes, Tasha and Spencer were left. Spencer was making all kinds of funny faces and Probst said he was "awkward looking". Then he starts twisting his neck and moving around way too much! He was fighting and fighting, while Tasha looked pretty steady like a statue. Except all of a suddenly, Tasha twitched and couldn't hold it! Spencer wins Immunity! Add that to his new hidden Immunity Idol and he is double immune! Finally, some luck comes Spencer's way!

Before Tribal
Tony says that Morgan needs to go: she doesn't do anything around camp. He even called her a "pillow" at one point, saying you wouldn't know she was even alive because she barely moves. They have the numbers if Kass is with them. If she flips again, they are tied 5-5, then they would draw rocks.

Spencer thinks they should go with Tony because he might do something dumb at Tribal. He thinks Kass might flip back to be with them. He wants to try to get her to find out who the other side is voting for so he can use the idol strategically. Kass said she was banking on the 5 she betrayed to come crawling back to them. She said she doesn't have an alliance to either side. Spencer told her that they think Tony needs to go.

Kass says she loves the blindside. Let's see what happens!

Tribal Council
Kass called Morgan out for not working much at camp. Morgan blamed it on LJ and Jeremiah taking really good care of them at the beginning of the game, and she got used to it. Oh my...she should just be quiet. She apologized and said she will "try" to work harder around camp. Then corrected herself and said she wouldn't try, she would do better around camp.

The Votes:

Not too sad about losing Morgan. I'm glad we get to keep fun Tony around! I love that Jeff said it was clear that they didn't vote out the biggest threat! LOL!

I liked Morgan's exit video: she told Kass to get over it, because she's 40. Ha!

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