Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Voice, Ep. 6.2

Team Adam

Delvin Choice
He's back for another try. He didn't have any luck last time, but Adam, Shakira and Blake turned around right away this time around. He's got a great voice, but there isn't really anything interesting and unique about him...other than his black version of the Flock of Seagulls haircut. At the last minute, Usher also turned around, so he went from no chairs to 4 chairs in just one season.

Cary Laine
It didn't take long for Adam to turn around. I don't know what his fascination with the country girls is. Shakira and Blake quickly followed. I can't say that I was overly impressed with her voice. She had a lot of twang in her voice, and a little bit of a rocker in her. However, I don't know if it was nerves or what, but I just didn't think her voice was rock solid, there was some shakiness in her voice. Obviously, the coaches didn't care because all 4 turned around. Adam even gave her a seat in his chair, and then Shakira's, and then Adam' see which one was more comfortable. They were really serious about trying to get her. Ultimately, Adam's speech about breaking out and doing something different, and saying he could offer more than what Blake could won her over.

Team Blake

Noah Lis
Yuck...I hate this style of music. I can appreciate that he has a very good voice, but I am not a fan. I thought we were in the clear, the song was done...and Adam and Blake both turned around!

Team Shakira

Deja Hall
She has a very beautiful tone. She sings so effortlessly and easy. Her voice is like crystal clear. I really like her. Another outstanding 16 year old. Blake and Shakira fought to be the first to turn around. Usher later joined the mix, and again Adam didn't turn around...I'm a little surprised.

Team Usher

Madilyn Paige
Beautiful voice! I can't believe she's only 16. She picked a really good song to show off all the different elements of her voice. I love her calmness at the beginning. But then she shows off her pipes on the chorus. Her high note was crazy and so controlled. I really like this girl. Usher and Shakira were surprisingly the only 2 to turn around. Adam would normally go for a girl like her.

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