Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.3

After Tribal
Morgan confronts Jeremiah about him going against her and Brice. He said his first alliance was with LJ, Alexis, and Jefra. In the shelter, she told Alexis that Jeremiah was going after LJ and her. Alexis thinks there's some truth to what she's saying, so she thinks she needs to watch out for Jeremiah.

Brains Camp
Time to practice for the challenge. Tree mail basically told them they would have to be blindfolded and have to listen to directions (a challenge we've seen before). So, they again decided to practice. This challenge is just for reward and they are hoping for some food, since J'Tia dumped all their rice.

Reward Challenge
Reward: first team gets 3 hens and a rooster, second team gets a dozen eggs

Woo and Sarah sit out for Brawn, and Morgan sits out for Beauty.

Spencer and Kass are tied together and blindfolded. They seem to be working well together. Beauties are doing a good job, but they are having a hard time hearing the caller. Brawn and Brains collide! Lots of guys walking right into that one spot you don't want to get hit! These callers are so worried about giving directions that they aren't telling them to avoid the obstacles!

Beauty and Brains are tied with 5 items collected, while Brawn has 4. Brains drop their 5th item, leaving the way open for the Beauties to collect their last item.

And it's Beauty for the win. Brains have their last item and it falls off the lift again! Brawn gets their last item and Lindsey takes a really hard hit on the way back to the platform. J'Tia is freaking out as Kass and Spencer can't get their item up. Brawn gets their item pulled up AHEAD of Brains. Wow, Brains had it right in their grasp. Bummer.

Beauty Camp

Opening up their reward, they find a note. The group tells Jeremiah to read it out loud. LJ was so thankful he had the idol because the clue was very specific about where to find it.

Then the Beauty tribe, shows a very stereotypical side, as the girls struggle to understand what role the rooster plays, and what makes the hens lay eggs.

Time came to kill one of the chickens. Jeremiah, being the southern boy he is, was given the honors. He said he hopes he "earned some man points for that." He later confessed to the cameras that even though he's from the south, he doesn't  know anything about chickens. "I'm a model!"

Brawn Camp
Sarah wants to get Cliff out because he's tight with Lindsey, and according to Tony, they are gunning for her (which was a lie). Surprisingly, Woo says he would turn on Cliff because he doesn't need the money. Oh no, Woo...don't're his wingman! There alliance (if all stay true), is now at 4: Tony, Sarah, Woo and Trish. That leaves Lindsey and Cliff as a party of 2.

Tony doesn't trust Woo, but he trusts Sarah, so she's saying to trust him so he is...sort of. He knows he's got Sarah because of the whole cop bond, and she trusts him because of that. But little does she know that him swearing on his badge means nothing to him. He said he's there to lie, cheat and steal and drag people's dreams through the mud in order to fulfill his. Whoa!

Getting ready for the Immunity Challenge, Sarah tells Trish that they need to throw the challenge. Noooooooo! This ABSOLUTELY, NEVER, EVER, EVER works! They don't want to throw it, but they don't want to go to a merge with Cliff still there. He's not one of "them" so they aren't worried about losing one person from the tribe. Woo isn't so on board with the whole throwing go Woo!

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: swim and dive to collect buoys and then shoot them to make baskets

Tony and Lindsey sit out for Brawn and Alexis sits out for Beauty.

J'Tia can't get the closest one only 3' down. Oh boy, here we go again. She didn't get it, so she came back and Tasha goes for it. Sarah struggled for Brawn, which was a little surprising.

It's Beauty with 3, Brawn with 1 and Brains with 1. Kass couldn't get a buoy and SHE had to go back. Finally Spencer gets their 2nd one.

Beauty is going for 6 now, they are really killing it! LJ got the 5th one that was 15' down so fast! Way to go LJ! Spencer has to go down again because these girls just can't seem to get the job done. He is going to be so tired. He went more than twice in a row!

Brawn now has 4, Brains have 5! Whoa, way to go Spencer! Meanwhile, Beauty shoots and scores all 5 of their baskets and come away with the win!

After J'Tia took the longest time to get the last buoy back to Spencer...that was just embarrassing. She is the slowest swimmer! She's a rebounder and she has to get the buoys back so he can continue shooting.

It's now a shootout between Spencer and Cliff. Cliff only needs one more. Spencer makes it again and it's 4-3. Cliff gets #5 and Brawn wins immunity. That means Brains go back to Tribal Council. I'm so worried for Spencer. These dumb ladies are going to get rid of the only good person on their tribe.

Sarah said the Brains were so bad that they deserved to lose, because they were trying so hard to throw the challenge and give them the win and they STILL couldn't win.

It's VERY obvious who the worst person at EVERY single type of challenge is. But do you think they will be smart enough to get rid of J'Tia. I'm betting no.

Before Tribal
Spencer is bummed, and rightly so, because he is clearly the one person doing really well in challenges and doing a lot at camp. But despite all that, the girls have all the power. They managed to put themselves in power, and according to Spencer, is what has driven the tribe into the ground.

His only bargaining chip with these girls is saying that they can't win without him. It's sad that they still don't trust him, and if there was any way out of it that they wouldn't be saving him.

Right now, it looks like Kass and Tasha, because they want to win, are going to keep Spencer and get rid of J'Tia because they know that they will not win if they get rid of their strongest person and keep their weakest. But then just minutes later, Tasha is second guessing their decision because she knows J'Tia is loyal. If the tribes swap, Spencer would flip in a heartbeat. So of course, now, anything could happen. I just want to smack these girls and yell "Wake up!!!!!" I'm going to be one very disappointed person if Spencer is voted out.

Tribal Council
"Swimming's just not my thing" says J'Tia. Ummm....and puzzles aren't your thing, and strength isn't your thing, and building shelters aren't your thing. The list goes on and on and on.

As Spencer's talking, Tasha and Kass are whispering. Ugh! If they blow this, I'm going to be so mad! I can't stand to watch J'Tia any more. And they aren't even listening to Spencer, they're just looking at each other like "who's it gonna be". Jeff was loving it, and saying the vote was being decided right there!

The vote:

HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! The Brains have some brains after all!

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