Thursday, March 6, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.2

So sorry this is a day late! It's been KILLING me not knowing who was voted out last night! I have avoided all social media all day long, and that was so hard! I can't wait to see what we go!

Brains Camp
The day after, Spencer was reeling after Garrett's blindside at Tribal. He couldn't believe that the tribe was willing to keep someone who dumped all their rice over Garrett. He is going to have a giant hill to climb to keep himself alive on this tribe. Kass rationalized her decision as saying that you can replace rice.

Treemail tells the tribe what they will be doing for their challenge, and that the winner will win something to improve their shelter. Tasha said that the first thing they need to do is practice for their challenge. The others were worried about eating and drinking water because they were dehydrated. So, they go out into the water with some coconut bowls and they practice tossing water and catching it in the bowls like the treemail said. Will it work? Seems like a good idea to me if the challenge is anything similar to what they were practicing.

Brawn Camp
Tony is a little crazy! He says he doesn't trust anyone (understandable). He said it's only "me, myself, and I, and my idol, there's 4 of us." Lol! Tony decided to tell Sarah the truth about him being a cop. He said they should call themselves "Cops-R-Us", and Sarah said they are partners in crime.  He lied to her about things he's heard other people say just to get her on his side. He said that Lindsey and Cliff were talking about Sarah being the smart one. He even did an impression of both Lindsey and Cliff to make it more believeable. Yeah, this plan can't fail...

And then the rains come, and they all look so miserable already! It looks like a monsoon! There is so much wind and rain. You know it's bad when the skin starts to peel off from being wet. Most people are really struggling, but Woo is like "this is what Survivor is about baby!"

Beauty Camp
As a tribe, they are really struggling emotionally with the horrible weather conditions. The guys worked hard to reinforce their shelter (even Brice!)...while the girls didn't really do anything.

Being wet and not having anything else to do, LJ thought back to the first day when they arrived at camp and Morgan was out in the water by the rocks. He still thinks she got a clue to the idol, so he decided to go look to see if he could find anything. Sure enough, right in the water, there it was! Yay! He's my favorite on the Beauty tribe, so I'm psyched that he's the one who found it!

Immunity Challenge

Reward: first tribe gets a tarp, hammock and pillows, and the second tribe gets a tarp. Tony and Lindsey sit out for Brawn and Jefra and Alexis sit out for Beauty.

It looks like the Brains did well...the water tossing from buckets is just what they practiced. The only problem is the puzzle at the end. It looks really hard: they have to control the round vertical puzzle with some ropes to maneuver a ball through to drop out at the end.

Jeff: "Brains in last as usual". They are dropping a lot of water. Beauty on the other hand is killing it...barely losing any water. Kass has just a few drops every time she dumps it at the end. Wow...that's just embarrassing. And they even practiced! I don't think there is any hope for them.

Beauty is the first one to fill their container up with water. Brawn was close behind. Jeremiah and LJ work on the puzzle for Beauty. Cliff and Woo work on the puzzle for Brawn. It took forever for the Brains to get it, so again, they have a lot of ground to make up.

And it's Brawn for the win! Brains just kept falling further and further behind. But whoa, they are making a huge comeback, while the Beauty tribe falls apart at the end, and the Brains actually beat the Beauties! I'm in shock! Beauty was the first ones to get to the puzzle, and they came in last...bummer!

After the Challenge
Tony takes charge of unloading their reward because he wanted to make sure to get any clue to the idol that might be in there. Sure enough, a piece of paper fell out, he stepped on it to make sure no one saw it.

At the Beauty camp, LJ asked if anyone was ready to go home...just in case someone would maybe volunteer.

LJ has an alliance with Jeremiah, Jefra and Alexis. That leaves either Morgan or Brice as their targets. Brice thinks he's with Jeremiah, and they talk about voting out Alexis. Jeremiah told Brice that LJ was thinking of voting for Brice. Morgan said that Jeremiah is really with her and Brice and they try to sway Jefra to join them. Oh no! Don't vote out your strongest guy! Didn't you see what happened to the Brains?

Jefra was worried when she heard that Jeremiah might be with Morgan and Brice. He assured her he wasn't and they were voting for Brice. I don't know if Jeremiah even knows who he's really with or which way he's going to vote. He said "I'm stuck!" Yeah, I'd say so! I honestly have no idea who is really with who! Jefra said that someone was going to be blindsided. All I have to say is that it better not be LJ!

The group of 4 talked about splitting the vote: girls for Brice, guys for Morgan. This is to combat the possible playing of an idol. With Brice and Morgan voting for Alexis, that would mean a 2-2-2 tie. If no one plays the idol, they will all vote for Alexis. Jeremiah thinks this is a good move to help him take over the tribe, because he thinks he's in control. They said this is going to show the true alliances, so this is either going to be a brilliant move that totally works out for him, or they're all going to realize what he's doing, and HE'S going to be out.

Tribal Council
Brice called out LJ and Jeremiah for being together, and Alexis and Jefra being together, and then the 4 of them as a group. He realized that he and Morgan were on the outs. Brice said Alexis hadn't talked any strategy with him, and he hinted at the fact that she doesn't do as much around camp as everyone else.

The Vote:

It's a tie! Ruh-roh! Revote telling what's going to happen now. Last time this happened there was another tie and they ended up drawing rocks.

The Revote:

Oh man! I really liked Brice. He was really funny. I was hoping for one of the girls to go. I wonder how they decided on Brice over Morgan. More strategic? More likable?

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