Monday, March 31, 2014

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 18.3

Theme Night: Most Memorable Years
Guest Judge: Robin Roberts (from ABC's Good Morning America)...your guess is as good as mine as to why they think this was a good or meaningful choice

At the top of the show as the cast makes their way to the dancefloor, Billy Dee and Emma are not there. We are told that he is unable to dance. Wow...never saw that one coming...from the 77-year-old man who couldn't move at all. Yep, I never guessed he might have an injury in this high-paced, highly athletic and competitive dancing show. It turns out, his doctor told him not to dance because of his chronic back problems. Poor guy, we want him to be healthy, but I just gotta say...whoever thought it would be even possible, let alone a good idea to have him on the show, should really be fired. So should his doctors, if he's had chronic back problems, why did they even OK him to be on the show?

James & Peta - Jive
Most Memorable Year: 2007, the year he overcame bullying in high school for being "pudgy" and slightly overweight

What a cute little nerd he is! I love this song (Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle") and it fits this jive very well. I love the theme, and I think it really tells his story. Holy crap, he just did a backflip off the top step! This jive is so incredibly fast! His legs are very sharp, but his kicks could be a little bigger. Other than that, I think it was perfect! He even did a really huge assisted leg kick/b-boy move at the judge's table, and Bruno was stunned! Wow!
Score: 36

NeNe & Tony - Rumba
Most Memorable Year: 2013, the year she remarried her husband (after being divorced from the same guy)

Tony has never looked so good! Look at those abs! I'm impressed with NeNe's flexibility and her softness. She's just big all over (not in a bad way), and for her to be able to move the way she does is really impressive. She showed great emotion, and I think she pulled off a really nice Rumba.
Score: 31

Cody & Witney - Jazz
Most Memorable Year: 2010, the year he got signed and moved with his family to L.A. to start his music career

He's dancing to his own song, which is cool. I'm not sure that's ever been done on the show before, even with the number of singers who have done the show. I like the vibe of this dance, and I'm just finding myself being a big fan of what he does! Every week, every dance is just so unique. You can see the influence he has on the choreography, and Witney does an amazing job putting it all together. I don't know that I would have thought of this dance as "Jazz", but it was still a really great performance. Robin Roberts actually summed up my thoughts pretty well: he shows a great respect for the dance, but he makes it his own with his own flare.
Score: 35

Danica & Val - Contemporary
Most Memorable Year: 2010, the year her son was born and her grandmother had also just recently passed away before getting to meet him

She looks absolutely stunning! ...and Val isn't too bad either :) Beautiful song, and an absolutely beautiful performance. Their lifts were so effortless. She was just floating! They couldn't have done a more perfect performance. It was like a Disney princess fantasy come-to-life. And, hey, let's talk about this girl's flexibility! Those over her head splits were ridiculous! Her son was so emotional after the dance...tears all around in the ballroom!
Score: 36

Drew & Cheryl - Waltz

Most Memorable Year: 2005, the year his son was born and the year he decided to change his lifestyle in order to lose weight and be healthy so he can watch his son grow up

He's already got tears in his eyes before the dance even started! Oh, and it's a song from Nashville ("Fade Into You")!!!! Love this song (not the singers singing it on this version though). It was nice to see Drew being a little more serious. He showed a lot of class, and some great technique.
Score: 30

Meryl & Maks - Foxtrot
Most Memorable Year: 2014, winning the gold medal in Sochi (but also the 17 years leading up to that)

Great song choice (John Legend's "All of Me"). Meryl looks gorgeous. Her dress is so flowing and beautiful...that's a good color for her. This almost looked like a mixture of Contemporary and Rumba, more than a Foxtrot. And then they almost kissed! Whoa! Meryl just floated on the floor, and it was so beautiful. It sure looked like they were kissing at the end, but the camera was strategically placed so you couldn't quite tell. I think Maks is smitten!
Score: 39 (first 10s of the season, and 3 of them!!!!)

Amy & Derek - Contemporary
Most Memorable Year: 1999, she was 19 and got bacterial meningitis and ended up losing her legs and a kidney; her dad gave her one of his kidneys

Wow, totally crying before this dance even starts! I know Derek is going to have amazing choreography to tell her story. Goosebumps!!! Nothing to say except that is one of the most compelling dances, I think I've ever seen in my life. Wow! Not to mention this is the first time she is dancing with those special feet that allow her to point her toes. Miraculous and astonishing!
Score: 36

Charlie & Sharna - Jive
Most Memorable Year: 2010, the year he and Meryl got Silver in Vancouver

I love the start in the dressing room with him trying on Pharrell's hat (since they are dancing to Pharrell's "Happy"). Happy definitely describes this dance. I don't care for his shoes and bare ankles at all...that just looks gross! Besides that, the dancing was great; very fast and his legs were definitely happy, that's for sure. His legs were flailing all over the place, but in perfect time and perfect form to the music. For a minute, I thought he was going to pull her arms off, he was swinging her so hard.
Score: 36

Candace & Mark - Jive
Most Memorable Year: 1995, the year Full House ended

I can't wait to see this dance, which is a tribute to Full House, done to Elvis. It's great to finally see her do a fun, fast dance, since both of her first dances were slow and romantic. She did a great job. She messed up the footwork a little when her and Mark were side by side. It seemed a little awkward in a few places. I'm not sure if she just got off timing, or what exactly. It was still fun though.
Score: 32

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