Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.5

After Tribal
Needless to say there were a couple of really surprised people on the Solana tribe. Lindsay and Trish face off. Trish says she doesn't like Lindsay, and Lindsay said she is annoyed by everything about Trish: her laugh, her teeth, everything. Tony broke it up and said "we all know where we all stand". Lindsay made it pretty clear that she did not want to be with them. She really meant it because she wouldn't even sleep in the shelter with them. Next thing we know, she's all alone and Jeff comes to pay her a visit. This is NEVER good. She said she couldn't do it any more, and she was afraid she was going to flip out on Trish because she was antagonizing her. She said she didn't know what to do, other than quit. What a sissy way out. Seriously? You can avoid Trish if you wanted to. She didn't even have enough guts to tell her tribe...she made Jeff do it! Wow...that's pretty ridiculous. Tony said "two for the price of one" and LJ said "it was like a zit ready to pop". So many funny comments.

Poor he's REALLY all alone. I sure hope he's not the next to go.

Reward Challenge
2 people face off, holding an idol. The goal is to knock the other person's idol off. Fist one to 4 points wins. Winner gets to raid the other camp.

Alexis and Kass sit out.

Spencer vs. Woo--Spencer wins for Aparri with an awesome move! I can't believe that worked.

Trish vs. Tasha--Trish scores for Solana after Tasha made a risky move and hers fell off.

Jefra vs. Sarah--Jefra lost her balance and Sarah scores for Aparri.

LJ vs. Jeremiah--LJ scores after Jeremiah made a Herculean try to save his idol, batting it in the air so many times before it fell.

Tony vs. Morgan--Tony scores for Solana

Spencer vs. Woo--Woo scores big and wins it for Solana; there was a lot of back and forth slaps, and I could tell there was no way Woo was going to let Spencer get him again...he meant busy.

Aparri Camp

Woo and Tony were selected from Solana to go back to their camp. Tony and Woo both know the Aparri camp, so they know what they have and what they want to take. They get a note from Jeff that tells them what they can take and there was also a clue to the hidden immunity idol. Tony said they were going to frame Jeremiah by giving the clue to Jeremiah...they said their note told them to give the clue to someone (which it didn't). He totally stirred the pot by making them thinking they wanted to work with Jeremiah. Jeremiah read the clue and it was the same clue they already had. As they are walking away, Tony realized he needed to get the clue back from Jeremiah before they realized that it wasn't meant for that tribe. I didn't quite follow all of that plan.

Tony was so excited to share his joke with his new tribe. He also said where the clue was hidden...not knowing that LJ has that idol. Then he tells them that he lied about being in construction and that he was a cop. Trish bought his lie, hook line and sinker. He was trying to prove that he was loyal. However, it only made LJ more suspicious of him. Then...out of nowhere...Trish says, "I haven't told you everything either...I'm really a man." WHAT?!? Wait a minute...what?!? Is she serious? Was this a joke? I would totally believe because of her deep voice, but I'm so confused!!!!

Solana Camp
Jeremiah was totally onto Tony's trick because he knows it was the same clue for the other camp. Now, the others are still suspicious because they didn't get to read the clue. Spencer was very suspicious and he doesn't buy his story at all. But Spencer...he's actually telling the have to believe him!!! Jeremiah better not get sent home for that or I'm going to be really mad!

Immunity Challenge
They use wooden poles to make steps and then they go through a huge obstacle. Then one team member has to unleash a key to get a machete, which then will get them to puzzle pieces.

Tasha and Morgan sit out

The course is really rough because it had rained. LJ went deep into the mud...I sure hope he didn't hurt himself.

Solana got off to a slow start and had their poles in the wrong order.

Jeremiah gets the puzzle pieces free first. Tony took a long time with the machete and releasing the pieces.

Sarah and Spencer worked on the puzzle for Aparri, and Woo and LJ work on the puzzle for Solana.

Tony shouted out to LJ and Woo that they were looking for the number 41 because he saw Aparri's puzzle. LJ tried to tell Woo what piece to put in and Woo wasn't listening. Come on together!

LJ and Woo suddenly get a whole bunch of pieces in a row and pass up Aparri. They got all 3 numbers and start to work on the combination, and it's right! Wow...Aparri started to panic after getting the first number. They fell apart and weren't able to finish. Bummer!

Tony, like an idiot, shouts "Top 5, top 5!" Sarah heard him (because, how could you not...he was screaming it). She realized that they have 5 over there and she's not one of them. She knows that she's not involved with their future plans, so she needs to make a new alliance. Well duh! It's going to be at least a few weeks until the better make another alliance, or you're going home! Did she seriously think that she would reunite with them and instantly make it back into a top 2 or 3 alliance?

Before Tribal
Aparri couldn't believe that Tony yelled out "Top 5" when they have 5 members to their tribe's 7. They said that they must think that one of them is going to join them when they merge. And who is the only person they've talked to? Jeremiah. Arg!!! Alexis is on board with blindsiding Jeremiah. Spencer said they would go along with that in theory, but that they would make the decision that works the best for them because they have the control. Kass said that they could just vote out Alexis instead. She thinks they are totally in control. I wouldn't go that far, but they do have a lot of strength in their alliance of 3.

Sarah makes it clear that she's not going to flip on them when they merge.

Tribal Council
Jeff asks if the Beauty tribe is tight. Morgan said, well...Jeremiah and her have had some issues. Spencer said the Beauty tribe's issue can be used to their advantage. He said they need to fix the fractures so they can move forward as a strong tribe.

Alexis talked about Jeremiah getting a clue to the idol. Again, Jeremiah gave his side of the story, but Alexis doesn't buy it. She thinks he's crazy for saying that Solana would be targeting him. It seems that Tony has constructed the perfect plan...imagine that!

The Votes:

Woohoo! So glad it wasn't Jeremiah! Another blindside...awesome! She brought absolutely nothing to the game, and now she's stunned and crying as she walks away. Wow...not too many people actually cry as their torch gets snuffed. I don't think she was strong enough mentally or physically to play this game. Good riddance! Not going to miss her at all.

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