Monday, March 3, 2014

The Bachelor, Ep. 18.9

Women Tell All

I think we're in store for a lot of crazy!

Right off the bat, the group conversation had a much different feel than most WTA's. The girls all agreed how incredibly hot Juan Pablo is, but that's kind of where the compliments ended. The consensus from the group: he didn't ask a lot of questions about them and a lot of their conversations were surface level and weren't very deep. Renee and Cassandra said that many of their conversations with JP didn't go beyond talking about their kids. Other points of agreement among the ladies was that he used Camila as an excuse when he wasn't feeling it with someone. His "rule" changes also had many of the girls confused, and they found it made him very hard to relate to. He used different rules with different girls and for different reasons.

Hot Seat Convos

When they showed her "hi-lights", she covered her face in embarrassment when they showed the infamous horribly awkward kiss, and she was in tears by the end of the video package.

When asked about their relationship, she said she knew what was supposed to come at the end of all this, and they just didn't totally get each other completely. Chris brought up that she said that she wished she was dumber. There was a lack of cerebral connection. Guess they're saying she was a heck of a lot smarter than him.

She talked about how physically drawn to him she was and said they had amazing chemistry. Yet, when I look at them, all I see is complete awkwardness and 2 people who could not be on more of a different page.

Unlike the other girls, she said he asked a lot of questions about her and wanted to know about where she came from and to learn about her culture. She said that made her curious about him.

Chris told her that she was pretty much his top girl throughout the entire process. Again...she was shocked. All the other girls knew she was a favorite, but she had no clue.

Most of their connection revolved around the fact that they were both single parents...obviously. It was no secret, and Juan Pablo even said that he treated her differently because she was a mom. It came to a point where that actually began to hurt her. She said because she was the last one to kiss him, that put her so much further behind the other girls. She respected him for respecting her and her son, but it hurt when she basically asked him to kiss her and he didn't, and then...20 seconds later he was making out with Clare.

Chris came right out and asked what happened in the fantasy suite when the cameras left. She said they were having a good time, and they talked and laughed. Then, he just started talking all about himself, about his soccer and his traveling, and it was all about him. She said he started being really negative about the whole process and wasn't being very grateful for all that was going on. She said she thinks that he thinks he was a very good Bachelor.

Then there was the whole comment about her being there by "default" and that she had barely beaten out Renee (I paused my DVR to type, and I look up to Renee, frozen, and she looks like she wants to punch someone right now). What upset her most of all was when he brought up that he had already had his overnight with Clare. Right then and there she was done, and she knew it was never going to work. She said she regretted not telling him then and there that he was being offensive. She said she kind of faked sleep, just to end the whole thing.

She did want to make a point that he was never mean to her. It was just that the things he said made her feel cheap. She said he doesn't have a filter, so some of the things that he said were very rude and hurtful.

During her conversation with him the next day, she didn't think he really heard or understood what she was saying. She said she felt like she was just talking to a person who was just staring blankly and repeatedly said "it's ok, it's ok, it's ok". We all know, the "it's ok" was really getting on her nerves.

Chris's last questions seemed to be leading in a very specific direction. He asked her if she still believed in that "great love" and if she would keep searching for it. She said she did believe and that she would keep looking for it. Spoiler Alert: Andi's the next Bachelorette, and come the After The Final Rose, it will be announced that she will be continuing her search for that great love with 25 guys in the following months.

Juan Pablo
He said he thinks when the show is done, they will all be regular people again and he thinks he will be friends with many of them. I'm not so sure about that.

Lauren S. said she wished he would have been honest and said he wasn't feeling it, instead of using Camila as a reason not to kiss her.

He clarified how he handled things with Renee, and it made a lot of sense. He said that Renee told him that when she had broken up with a boyfriend awhile ago, Ben was really crushed. He said that really made him think and he knew he wanted to take things slowly with her, so he wouldn't hurt Ben. Cassandra jumped in and said that he shouldn't have done the hometown with Renee, where he met Ben, only to send her home. She said he should have taken it more seriously, and realized that she wasn't the one before doing the hometown.

It was brought up how he referred to Renee and Cassandra as his "special ones" because of them having children. The girls didn't think that was very nice to refer to them like that, because it made it seem like he liked them more. He said he called them that because they left their children at home, and it was hard for them. Chantel said that they all left a lot of things at home to do the show. He said it's not the same as being a parent and leaving your child. He said for him doing The Bachelorette, Camila had her mom, but with Renee and Cassandra, their kids didn't have their other parent.

Part of what bothered the girls so much was that he kept talking about being fair, but what he was doing and saying was not being fair. They would have rather he just be honest.

You could tell that Andi was getting kind of worked up and JP wasn't helping things by him TWICE saying "it's ok" and smirking...just to make her annoyed. She said he didn't think he was there for a wife, as much as a girlfriend, based on how interested he seemed by asking them deeper questions.

Kelly brought up his interview where he said that "gays were more pervert...". Since the interview he has apologized for how that came across and blamed part of it on his language barrier. Kelly said that she has a gay parent, and that really offended her. He apologized again and said he could take an hour apologizing. He said he could talk to her after the show more. He said it was taken out of context, and she asked him to tell her what it is in Spanish. I'm not sure what good that would do unless she speaks Spanish. Someone told him to stop using "English is my second language" as a cop-out. He said he's not a homophobe, and he said his gay friends have called and told him that it was taken out of context. Sharleen stuck up for him and said they talked about equality on one of their dates and she said that she thinks he's very open-minded and said that it's very easy to isolate a few words, which can then be made to sound different than how they were intended.

And again, my favorite part of the show...THE BLOOPERS!

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