Monday, March 24, 2014

Dancing With The Stars, Ep. 18.2

Surprises in the ballroom tonight! There's a double elimination!

Drew & Cheryl - Jive
Look at Drew get down! It was very fast paced, and he seemed to keep up pretty well. He always has such a big smile on his face, and you can tell he's having fun. There wasn't a lot of leg action, so that could have been better. But other than that, it was pretty good. It was a little too loosy-goosy, so the judges might comment that he needs to tighten it up a bit and make it a little sharper.
Score: 21

Danica & Val - Samba
OK, she's just a natural, that's all there is to it. I think she is going to be good at every style. The Samba is usually hard, but she is killing it. Her emotions and face are matching the feel of the dance very well. There were some complicated steps and moves, and she handled them with ease. She looked amazing.
Score: 24

Billy Dee & Emma - Tango
Boy, the fans must love him for him to survive a double elimination! I don't get it...just not fair. There was a tad more movement this time around, but not much. This dance seemed to suit him a little better than the last one, but let's face it...there's a lot of standing going on.
Score: 15

Meryl & Max - Swing
I can't wait to see this, I think it's going to be awesome! He is throwing her around like she's a ragdoll! Lots of fun lifts and tricks! I love her personality coming out in this dance. She looks like she's having a blast! That was a tough routine and she did an amazing job with all those leg kicks and not to mention all of the throwing around Max did of her (he said he was too old for this).
Score: 25

Candace & Mark - Rumba
I love Candace's plans for the dance, and how she's approaching it. She looks amazing. I love the song that they's perfect for a Rumba. It was amazing and beautiful. The end was a little weird, and it looked like Mark was falling or something. But other than that, it was really good. I think it looked a lot like their Contemporary piece last week. It also seemed really short to me.
Score: 21

Amy & Derek - Swing
She looks so cute! Awesome Derek choreography...he is a talented! I cannot believe he was able to swing her and maneuver over her legs like that! Totally amazing. She did a great job...and her legs stayed on!
Score: 24

James & Peta - Salsa

Hot, hot, hot! Peta is so ridiculously flexible. There was so much going on in this dance! And thank you James for the open shirt! He was right, that was a good call! But like he said, he also backed that up with some moves! There were some flips in there and it was so high-paced. Wow.
Score: 25

Charlie & Sharna - Tango
Seeing Charlie as a bad boy is an interesting change. He pulled it off to some degree, but he's still too sweet. This was a great dance, and boy did they whip each other around the floor. It's evident that he can in fact do more than just dances similar to his ice dancing. He showed a lot of power.
Score: 25

NeNe & Tony - Jive
I love the theme of this dance! You can't help but smile when you watch her and Tony. So much fun! There's some definite technique there also. She had great timing with Tony-they were very in sync. It was really good!
Score: 21

Cody & Witney - Tango
He looks so much older and more mature this week! He captured the intensity of the dance very well. I hope he doesn't get dinged on the points too much for adding quite a bit of his own flare and personality to this traditional dance. Watch out for Len, I think he's going to be all over this dance...and not in a good way. I, on the other hand, TOTALLY enjoyed it! It was fun and unique, and I loved the little changes. It was really cool.
Score: 22

Going Home: Diana & Henry (lowest number of votes) and Sean & Karina

I am not at all surprised by these 2 eliminations. The only real surprise was that Billy Dee was safe and received more votes than 2 other people. Diana brought nothing to the dancefloor, really. Sean was totally unrelatable as a person and I don't think he was that well known (at least by fans of dance), so it's not surprising that he didn't get the fan support.

Diana and Henry performed their dance, but weren't scored. Sean and Karina, however did get scored, and this was my critique, before finding out that he was in fact eliminated...

Sean & Karina - Salsa
I'm still on the fence with him. I've never been so confused about someone as I am with him. I don't get his sense of humor (if he's trying to be funny). I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by his moves. I didn't think he would be able to dance that quick and sharp. And he even had a smile for the entire dance. Maybe there is a human being inside that block of ice after all.
Score: 21

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