Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Survivor, Ep. 28.4

After Tribal
Hugs all around. Spencer is so happy to still be in the game. Me too Spencer! Kass says it was a last minute switch and it just hit her that they would be back there in 3 days. Really?! DUH!!!!!

Brains Camp
Tasha is pretty confident they are going to win the next challenge. Yeah, we'll see about that.

Tribe Swap!
Drop your buffs! 2 new tribes, no more brains, beauties, or brawn. They pick hidden buffs and open them to look for a new color: orange or purple

New Aparri (orange): Spencer, Sarah, Tasha, Kass, Alexis, Jeremiah, Morgan
New Solana (purple): Jefra, Cliff, Woo, LJ, Tony, Trish, Lindsay

Sizing up the tribes:
  • All 3 former Brains are on the same tribe (I don't know if that's a good thing or not)
  • Sarah is the ONLY member of her original Brawn tribe...all the others are now on the other tribe (including her closest ally, Tony)
  • The Beauty tribe was pretty evenly split, 2 and 3, however LJ and Jefra are now 2 against 5 Brawns...yikes! 
Reward Challenge

It's a physical one: rip the opposing player from a pole and drag them across the line. The reward is coffee, donuts, cookies, brownies, and more! That looks amazing!

Round 1: Morgan and Sarah manage to get Lindsay across the line. Lindsay put up a huge fight and grabbed the pole a second time, and even almost broke free. Tasha was the other on the pole and she was not budging at all!

Round 2: Alexis didn't stand a chance against LJ and Trish. That was over in seconds.

Round 3: Tony and Lindsay dragged Sarah over the line, even though she put up a really good fight. Cliff was the other on the pole and he was a rock. They were not going to get that big man.

Solana wins! Poor Brains. They put up a much better fight this time around, but still came out on the bottom.

Solana Camp
Trish finds common ground in that they are both from Massachusetts. Lets just say she now has a little crush on him. He's going to try to use that to his advantage. So, she's all flirty and laughing at everything he says. Her laugh is so annoying, and now she's doing it even more!

Cliff and Woo were stoked to still be together with Lindsay. Cliff was not happy to see that Trish drew purple as well. He's not sure what she's doing with LJ, and he said he's going to have to keep an eye on her.

Trish and Jefra go for water. Trish said that she is not with Lindsay. Lindsay said she doesn't get a good feeling from Cliff, which was really good news for Trish since they were ready to throw a challenge to get him out.

Sarah is the odd one out. She's the only original member from her camp. She is with 3 Brains and 3 Beauty. Sarah outed Morgan's secret. They talked about whether someone went for the rice or for the idol, which was news to everyone on her tribe because she said she chose shelter materials over comfort. Now, not only is her own tribe more suspicious, but her new tribe members are as well.

Alexis immediately went to the Brains because she was with Jefra, who is on the other tribe now. Spencer said it was very telling how desperate she was to come to them so soon. He also noticed how they gossip about each other...almost in front of each other.

Jeremiah also went to the Brains. He's ready to go with them. I don't like Kass and Tasha, but I do like the idea of Jeremiah and Spencer working together.

Immunity Challenge
Trish sits out for Solana and Morgan sits out for Aparri (not sure why anyone had to sit out since the numbers were even)

Challenge: 6 people swing a huge log to break through 2x4s and go through a series of walls. Solana goes through the first one first. Next part is a sliding puzzle. This looks really hard. It's neck and neck! Aparri wins! First win for the Brains!

Tony saiys "how did that happen?" Lots of Brawns going to Tribal for the first time tonight.

Before Tribal
Cliff doesn't think they really need LJ for challenges. Good point, they have so many strong people. But this isn't good for me, because I love LJ. I hope he uses the idol! Trish tells LJ that she thinks they can still get Cliff out, and that Tony is with them. With her divulging this information, when her old tribe is up 5 to 2. He now thinks he might not have to play his idol. Trish is cracking herself up that Cliff has no idea.

Lindsay, Cliff and Woo think Trish is going to screw them all over because she is constantly talking to LJ.

Trish now tells the plan to Tony, and he doesn't agree. He thinks they need to keep Cliff and keep the numbers by taking out LJ and Jefra first.

Cliff asked Tony for the truth about what was going on. Tony didn't tell the whole truth and Cliff didn't really seem to be buying it.

Tribal Council
Trish has said she's playing with her heart. Cliff and Woo warn against people playing with their heart.

LJ and Jefra see the cracks in the old Brawn tribe and she says the #5 person in their alliance isn't going to make it to the end on their own.

The Votes:

What, the what?!!!! Those are some EXTREMELY shocked faces! OMG, I was so worried every time they read LJ's name. I was just thinking, he better not go home with an idol in his pocket. And then I was thinking...I sure hope he didn't pull a Garrett and not even bring the idol with him. I would hope he's not THAT stupid!

So sad to lose Cliff. Good guy right there, and funny too. Woo is now a lonely wingman :(

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