Sunday, December 1, 2013

Amazing Race, Ep. 23.10

Leg 10: Bandung, Indonesia 

Leo & Jamal lead it off. They first have to go to a Cobra House and eat part of a snake...yuck!! Both team members have to eat some. Marie is a very picky and stubborn eater, so I hope she has problems. It was so gross...there were live snakes there right where they had to eat. So. Gross.

Tim & Marie go to the wrong entrance and can't understand why Leo & Jamal weren't there. Jason & Amy show up and ask where Tim & Marie were. Leo & Jamal lie AGAIN and say they were already there, finished and left already. How awkward, if they show up while they are still there.

Leo & Jamal finish first, followed by Jason & Amy and then Travis & Nicole. Tim & Marie are still wandering around. Ha ha! They FINALLY arrive, and she actually just decided to do it. I'm really surprised.

Road Block: Hard-Boil Eggs
They have to collect eggs, ride a motor bike with the eggs and hard boil them in the crater of a volcano.

During the challenge, Amy and Nicole question Leo about how quickly Marie ate the snake. They were trying to figure out why they haven't seen them anywhere at the Roadblock. Of course, he really didn't have an answer. Amy knew he had to be lying, just for the simple fact that Marie has trouble eating a lot of things. They didn't think she would quickly eat snake. I can't believe Leo & Jamal continue to lie. Their lies aren't really helping them in the game, so it's really unnecessary. Meanwhile, when Travis questions Jamal, he admits to Travis and Jason that they never saw Tim & Marie.

Travis and Jason think they have held their eggs in the boiling spring long enough, but Jamal cooks his a little longer. If they are wrong, they will have to go back. The eggs must all be fully cooked and hard-boiled on the inside.

Jason only had 6 of the eggs that were OK. None of Travis's were acceptable. Even though Jamal stayed a couple extra minutes, he had a couple that were no good as well. Travis and Jason told Jamal that if they see Tim & Marie, they should tell them that it only takes about 8-10 minutes (when it takes at least 15-20).

For some reason, they choose Marie to do the task, even though she said she doesn't know how to hard boil an egg. Oh boy. Tim said that she struggles with patience, and he has no doubt she is not going to wait long enough. She also isn't even wearing a watch to time anything.

2nd time around, Jason's eggs were perfect and right behind him, Travis's eggs were perfect. Jamal was a little bit behind, but his eggs were also OK.

Marie somehow manages to do her eggs long enough on the first try. How did she do that?

Detour: Paint Your Partner or Turn Over A New Leaf
In Paint Your Partner, they have to put makeup on their partner by looking at a bride. The guys had to shave off their facial hair! In Turn Over A New Leaf, they have to dress up and go out in a field to collect tea leaves.

Jason & Amy and Travis & Nicole decide to continue to work together and go to the paint task. Leo & Jamal decide to do the tea task. However, they end up switching and are now behind all 3 other teams. Woops...after seeing they would have to shave, they switch again! I say these boys are going down.

Jason & Amy did very well and finish first. Travis & Nicole struggled, as they couldn't get the pieces and accessories to stick to his sweaty face. The make-up looked all smeared. Tim & Marie caught up to them. Both Tim & Marie and Travis & Nicole were continually told that their make-up wasn't acceptable. The problem was that the more they messed with it, the more black that was smudged everywhere on their face. Marie figured this out, but it took Nicole FOREVER to realize that she had black smudged all over Travis's face. She is really dropping the ball on these challenges.

Pitstop #10:
1. Jason & Amy -- they FINALLY win a leg! They are the only team of the 4 left who hadn't won a leg.
2. Tim & Marie
3. Travis & Nicole
4. Leo & Jamal --they are still in it, because this was another non-elimination round.

There was a cab race and then a foot race between Tim & Marie and Travis & Nicole. Tim and Travis make it to the mat, while they wait for the women. Nicole was too slow and caused them to end up in 3rd.

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